

Herbal Textual Research on Moutan Cortex
摘要 牡丹皮为临床常用中药,自古以来受到众多医家推崇.查阅文献发现,近年来对牡丹皮的研究多集中于质量控制和药理成分等方面,鲜有从本草古籍出发对牡丹皮的名称、基原、炮制、药性及功效主治等方面进行研究.为更好地利用中药牡丹皮资源,查阅本草著作,经考证发现,牡丹皮有“百两金”“白术”“鼠姑”等多个别名;牡丹皮的炮制主要有牡丹皮、酒牡丹皮与牡丹皮炭等,汉代即有“去心”之记载,明代以来,酒牡丹皮逐渐盛行,后陆续出现牡丹皮炭的记载;本草中关于牡丹皮药性和基原的记载与如今内容基本一致,关于其“味”的记载却偶有歧义,但多数本草著作均记载其味苦.牡丹皮功效主治随朝代更迭逐渐细化并增加了用药禁忌.该考证结果为牡丹皮资源进一步开发利用提供参考依据. Moutan cortex is a commonly used Chinese medicine in clinical practice and it has been respected by many doctors since ancient times.Literature review shows that in recent years,the research on Moutan cortex has mostly focused on quality control,pharmacological composition,etc.,and there are few studies on name,the primordial origin,processing,drug property and efficacy of Moutan cortex from ancient books of Chinese materia medica.In order to make better use of the resources of traditional Chinese medicine Moutan cortex,after reading the ancient books of Chinese materia medica and doing herbal texutal research,it is found that Moutan cortex has many aliases such as “Bai Liang Jin”,“Bai Zhu” and “Shu Gu”;the processing of Moutan cortex mainly includes the making of Moutan cortex,the production of wine Moutan cortex and stir frying of Moutan ccortex.There are records of “removing the core” in the Han Dynasty.Since the Ming Dynasty,the production of wine Moutan cortex has gradually become popular,and since then,there have been records of stir frying Moutan cortex.The records of the medicinal properties and primordial origin of Moutan cortex in ancient books are basically the same as the content of today,but records of the taste are occasionally ambiguous.However,most of the herbs are depicted as something with a bitter taste.The efficacy of Moutan cortex is gradually refined with the change of dynasties and added with the condradictions of medication.The results of this examination provide a reference for the study on the original source of Moutan cortex and on the further resource development and utilization.
作者 翟俊杰 朱伯阳 孟祥松 王文建 ZHAI Junjie;ZHU Boyang;MENG Xiangsong;WANG Wenjian(College of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Bozhou University,Bozhou 236800,China)
出处 《成都大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第2期113-119,共7页 Journal of Chengdu University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 亳州学院校级教学质量工程项目(2020ybjy18、2022XJXM017) 亳州学院校级科研项目(BYP2021Z02) 安徽省大学生创新创业项目(2021XJXM0961) 国家大学生创新创业项目(202212926018) 亳州学院中药学团队建设项目(BYZXKTD202004) 安徽省中药学教学团队项目(2019jxtd131)。
关键词 牡丹皮 名称 基原 炮制 药性 本草考证 Moutan cortex name primordial origin processing drug property herbal textual research
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