

Power to the Village:The Internal Logic and Optimisation Path of the System of the First Secretary Residing in Villages
摘要 以村庄权力互动视角审视驻村第一书记制度,驻村第一书记实现了对村庄权力结构的改造,其本质是上层国家权力下乡。村民自治在实践中暴露出的问题倒逼对村庄权力结构进行改造,于是,驻村第一书记通过向村庄引入上层国家权力并基于新权力的引入重塑了村庄权力互动关系,创造出了一个全新的、具有独特优势的“上层国家权力基层国家权力自治权力”村庄权力结构,这就是上层国家权力下乡的过程。依靠干部队伍的嵌入整合、资源输入的权威效应、村治运作的模式创新等方面的联动施力,驻村第一书记成功向村庄引入上层国家权力。通过在“上层国家权力基层国家权力、自治权力”之轨上建立了培育、监督、辅助三重导向的权力互动崭新条线以及在“基层国家权力自治权力”之轨上开展了脱轨纠治的互动调适,驻村第一书记实现了对村庄权力互动关系的重塑。新型村庄权力结构的优势在于国家对村庄权力运作与村庄治理的可控性以及能够促进调适国家与社会之间的关系、加强党和政府自身建设、推动基层民主发展。不过,上层国家权力下乡也面临着乡土社会的双重屏障、权力运作的支撑不足、下乡成效的生产失衡、目标结果的反向错位等四重现实困境。未来,必须通过统筹个人深入与组织协助、明确书记角色与决策规则、完善制度主导成效机制、坚持村庄权力改善原则来优化驻村第一书记制度,从而更好地发挥制度优势以不断赋能乡村振兴和乡村治理现代化。 Examining the system of the first secretary residing in villages from the perspective of village power interaction,the first secretary residing in villages has realised the transformation of village power structure,which is essentially upper state power going down to the village.The problems exposed in the practice of village self-governance forced the transformation of the village power structure,so the first secretary residing in villages introduced the upper state power to the village and reshaped the village power interaction based on the introduction of the new power,creating a new unique advantageous“upper state power-grass-roots state power-self-governance power”village power structure,and this is the process of the upper state power going down to the village.Relying on the integration of the cadres,the authoritative effect of resource input,and the innovation of the mode of village governance,the first secretary residing in villages has successfully introduced upper state power to the village.Then,through the establishment of a new line of power interaction with a triple orientation of fostering,supervising and assisting on the track of“upper state power-grass-roots state power and self-governance power”and the adjustment of derailed interaction on the track of“grass-roots state power-self-governance power”,the first secretary residing in villages has realised the reshaping of the relationship of power interaction in the village.The advantages of the new village power structure include the state’s control over the operation of village power and village governance,as well as its ability to facilitate the adjustment of the relationship between the state and society,strengthen the self-construction of the Party and the government,and promote the development of grass-roots democracy.However,the upper state power going down to the village is also facing four real-life dilemmas including the dual barriers of the rural society,insufficient support for power operation,imbalanced production effects in rural areas,and reverse misalignment of goal and result.In the future,it is necessary to optimise the system of the first secretary residing in villages by integrating personal depth and organizational assistance,clarifying the secretary’s role and decision-making rules,perfecting the system-led effectiveness mechanism,and adhering to the principle of improving village power,so as to make better use of the advantages of the system to continuously empower rural vitalization and the modernization of rural governance.
作者 孙经纬 SUN Jingwei(School of Marxism,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
出处 《河海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期109-119,共11页 Journal of Hohai University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重大招标项目(20&ZD017) 江苏省研究生科研创新计划(KYCX23_0024)。
关键词 乡村振兴 乡村治理现代化 驻村第一书记 村庄权力结构 村庄治理 权力下乡 rural vitalization the modernization of rural governance the first secretary residing in villages village power structure village governance power to the village
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