

"The Mutual Reference and Reflection"in the Interpretation of Chinese and Western Poetics Based on Wai-lim Yip's Theory of"Cultural Mold"
摘要 叶维廉诗学研究的特色是其以“文化模子”为核心的比较诗学阐释理论,“模子”是其理论体系的出发点和基石,也是其开展翻译、比较诗学批评与实践的方法论基础。叶维廉对于“文化模子”的构建过程始终贯穿于其中诗西译的实践和中西诗歌的比较、阐释与汇通研究之中。通过寻求跨文化的“共同美学据点”、识辨东西方不同传统中的“同”和“异”,叶维廉试图印证中西美学传统之间汇通与互为阐发的可能,并希望通过“互照互省”为民族文学和诗学谋求更广阔的发展空间。叶维廉“文化模子”的构建,有效拓宽了文学阐释的中西汇通和比较研究,对于我国比较诗学学科理论的建设有重要贡献。 The typical characteristic of Wai-lim Yip's poetics study lies in his interpretative theory of comparative poetics based on the core concept of"Cultural Mold,which is the starting point of his research,and also the methodological basis for his practices of translation and poetics criticism.The construction of Wai-lim Yip's"Cultural Mold"theory has always been intertwined with his translation activities of poetry from Chinese to English and his attempts of comparing,interpreting and integrating Chinese and Western poetry.By seeking the cross-cultural"common aesthetic base"for literary traditions of the East and the West and the"similarities"and"differences"between them,Wai-lim Yip tries to find out the common grounds for Chinese and Western aesthetic traditions to communicate and to interpret each other.Besides,he hopes to create a broader space for the development of national literature and poetics through the approach of"mutual reference and mutual inspiration".Wai-lim Yip's theory of"Cultural Model"has effectively broadened the literary interpretation and comparative research between Chinese and Western literature,and has made an important contribution to the theoretical construction of comparative poetics in China.
作者 朱云 Zhu Yun
出处 《上海文化》 CSSCI 2024年第6期32-41,共10页 Shanghai Culture
基金 “江苏省社科应用研究精品工程”外语类课题“媒介素养与翻译课程的融合研究”(项目号:23SWC-40)的阶段性成果。
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