

Exploration on the development and application of the acupuncture's ‘treating before the onset of illness' theory through the characteristics of pair-acupoint combinations in The Illustrated Manual of Moxibustion Therapy of Dunhuang
摘要 《灸经图》是敦煌医学古籍图书,是极具代表性和有珍贵价值的针灸学古文献资料之一。“治未病”是中医学中预防疾病的一种重要理念,通过重视疾病的发生与发展,对疾病的预防与转归起到重要作用。文章从《灸经图》概述、学术价值、载穴考证、组穴特点,以及在头部选穴、五劳七伤中的临床应用为重点内容,探讨敦煌古老的针灸典籍《灸经图》中独特的针灸“治未病”理论,以及该理论对人体亚健康状态的调治作用。《灸经图》中的针刺和灸法中均贯穿着中医“治未病”思想,并运用灵活多变的灸治方法,在推动针灸“治未病”理论发展与临床应用方面有较高的学术价值。 The Illustrated Manual of Moxibustion Therapy is a precious ancient medical text from Dunhuang,representing a significant and valuable resource in the field of acupuncture and moxibustion studies.The concept of 'treating before the onset of illness' is an important principle in traditional Chinese medicine,playing a crucial role in disease prevention and management by focusing on the occurrence and progression of diseases.This paper focuses on the overview of The Illustrated Manual of Moxibustion Therapy,its academic value,acupoint authentication,characteristics of acupoint combinations,as well as its clinical applications in selecting acupoints on the head and addressing the five strains and seven impairments.It explores the unique acupuncture and moxibustion theory of 'treating before the onset of illness' found in the ancient Dunhuang medical text,emphasizing its significance in regulating the sub-healthy state of the human body.Throughout The Illustrated Manual of Moxibustion Therapy,the theory of 'treating before the onset of illness' is consistently integrated into acupuncture and moxibustion techniques,demonstrating a flexible and versatile approach to moxibustion therapy.This research contributes to the advancement and clinical application of the theory of 'treating before the onset of illness' in acupuncture and moxibustion,highlighting its high academic value.
作者 郑访江 肖国民 董春璇 法强 张志明 孙其斌 ZHENG Fangjiang;XIAO Guomin;DONG Chunxuan;FA Qiang;ZHANG Zhiming;SUN Qibin(Gansu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou 730050,China;Gansu University of Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期2831-2834,共4页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 甘肃省青年科技基金计划(No.21JR7RA592) 甘肃省中医药科研课题重点项目(No.GZKZ-2021-1) 2022年全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目(No.国中医药人教函[2022]75号)。
关键词 敦煌医学 《灸经图》 组穴特点 治未病 临床应用 针灸 五劳七伤 Dunhuang medicine The Illustrated Manual of Moxibustion Therapy Characteristics of pair-acupoint combinations Treating before the onset of illness Clinical application Acupuncture Five strains and seven impairments
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