

Investigation and Research on the Defense System of the Hadrian's Wall in the UK
摘要 英国哈德良长城的全线考古、建档监测和保护展示等工作已有百年积累,数据的信息化管理和国家公园建设也已基本完成。本文通过英、德文文献,以及对哈德良长城全线的实地考察,借鉴天津大学建筑学院长城课题组提出的中国长城研究整体性、层次性理论,对哈德良长城修筑历史、空间分布、防御体系的形成过程、军事建制、各子系统的构成和建筑特征进行梳理和研究,兼谈哈德良长城的展示方式。研究发现,中西长城在军事设施所形成的体系化布局和规划思想方面有很高的相似度,也有显著的差异。较中国明长城,哈德良长城更偏向军事控制;城池类型与驻军相关,但隶属关系现不明;城池均兼具生活和聚居属性,但内外分隔开,有中国长城尚未发现的功能建筑;塔楼间距较短,且尚未发现附燧之类辅助设施;塔楼较中国更早出现空心形式。中西长城的比较研究,可为我国长城的保护展示和国家文化公园建设提供参考,并促进中西文化交流。 The frontiers of the Roman Empire span more than 20 modern countries,from the United Kingdom and Germany to the Black Sea and the Red Sea,reaching the Atlantic Ocean through North Africa,with a total length of more than 10,o00 kilometers.The Hadrian's Wall in the UK is a prominent presence of the remaining heritage of the Roman Wall.The work concerning the Hadrian's Wall has accumulated for a century in terms of full-scope archaeology,archival monitoring,and protective display,completing the informatization management of data and construction of the National Park.It can provide insight into the construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park in China,playing an important role in promoting the cultural exchanges between China and the West.This paper studies the historical geography,military structure,defense system and components of the Hadrian's Wall by translating English and German literature,investigating the whole site,and drawing on the holistic and hierarchical theory of the Great Wall of China proposed by Professor Zhang Yukun's research team of Tianjin University.Additionally,it discusses the reference of the display methods of the Hadrian's Wall to the construction of the Great Wall National Cultural Park in China.The Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty is a mega system that integrated the border barrier,fortification,postal transmission,signal fire transferring,garrison farming,and trade systems.Comparing the system of the Hadrian's Wall with the mega system of the Ming Great Wall,we have the following findings.(I)The construction of the Hadrian's Wall was similarly phased,concerning the relationship between ethnic groups within and outside the Wall,and was affected by military purpose and strategy.(2)The construction of the Hadrian's Wall was likely influenced by the Emperors'will,reflected in route and architectural form adjustments that changed the borders from openness to closure.(3)The Hadrian's Wall contained sub-systems such as border barrier,fortification,signal fire transferring,and postal transmission,showing certain hierarchy.Compared with the Ming Great Wall,the Hadrian's Wall was more oriented to military control;its fortification types were related to the garrison,but their affliation remains unclear.The fortifications had living and settlement attributes and separated from outside the Wall,showing functional buildings not yet discovered in the Great Wall of China.The towers had short distance,without auxiliary facilities such as auxiliary beacon,appearing in a hollow form earlier than towers in China.Compared with previous studies,this paper makes contributions in the following aspects.(1)For the first time,it establishes an understanding of the Hadrian's Wall system through the mega system of the Great Wall of China.(2)It attempts to correlate the military structure with fortification hierarchy,distinguishing three levels of the fortress,fort,and fortlet.(3)It sorts out towers on the Wall and independent towers,providing clues for restoring the signal fire transferring route.(4)At a macro level,it summarizes the architectural features of the border barrier,fortification(fort and fortlet),outpost,tower,stone passage,coastal defense,etc.;at a micro level,it summarizes the spatial layout of functional buildings in fortresses,laying the groundwork for a comparative analysis of the military architectural features between the defensive walls in China and the West.This paper introduces the Hadrian's Wall in the aspects of construction history,spatial distribution,defense system composition,architectural features,and display methods,providing a reference for the comparative study of defensive walls in China and the West,the protection and display and the construction of the National Cultural parks of the Great Wall of China.
作者 李严 翟羽洁 李哲 Li Yan;Zhai Yujie;Li Zhe(Key Laboratory of Information Technology for Architectural Cultural Inheritance of Ministry of Cultural and Tourism,School of Architecture,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China;School of Architecture and Urban Planning,Inner Mongolia Technical College of Construction,Huhhot O10070,China)
出处 《中国文化遗产》 2024年第3期88-104,共17页 China Cultural Heritage
基金 2023年度国家社科基金冷门绝学研究专项“中西比较视野下长城体系化布局研究”(编号:23VJXG029)。
关键词 哈德良长城 历史地理 军事建制 防御体系 阐释与展示 Hadrian's Wall historical geography military establishment defense system interpretation and display
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