

On the Upholding and Innovation of Marxist Theory of Productive Forces by New Quality Productive Forces
摘要 马克思主义关于生产力的实质、要素、生产力与生产关系、生产力与人类解放等方面的论述,既科学地揭示了经济社会发展规律和人类解放道路,也为在新历史发展方位上加快发展新质生产力提供了重要遵循。习近平总书记关于新质生产力的新时代阐释,正当其时,意义重大:新质生产力实现了在生产力内涵上的质的跃升;重构和拓展了生产力要素结构;新质生产力本身就是绿色生产力,有利于打破经济发展与环境保护二元对立的窠臼;新质生产力坚持高水平对外开放,创新发展了马克思“世界市场”理论;在方法上提出先立后破、因地制宜发展新质生产力的实践辩证法;在全面深化改革上提出把握与新质生产力相适应的新型生产关系的“历史主动”;在思想上实现了中华民族“创新”禀赋的创造性转化。新质生产力不仅是对马克思主义生产力理论的守正创新,开辟了马克思主义政治经济学新境界,而且为在理论上摆脱西方经济学“学徒”状态、实践上打破“脱实向虚”和“脱钩断链”,提供了强大思想武器和科学行动纲领。 Marxist discourse on the essence,elements,relationship between productive forces and production relations,and the relationship between productive forces and human liberation not only scientifically reveals the laws of economic and social development and the path of human liberation,but also provides important guidance for accelerating the development of new quality productive forces in the new historical development direction.General Secretary Xi Jinping’s new era interpretation of new quality productive forces is timely and of great significance.New quality productive forces have achieved a qualitative leap in the connotation of productive forces,and reconstruct and expand the structure of productive factors.New quality productive forces themselves are green productive forces,which are conducive to breaking the mold of the binary opposition between economic development and environmental protection.New quality productive forces adhere to a high level of opening up to the outside world and have innovatively developed Marx’s theory of“world market”.The practical dialectics of first establishing and then breaking,and developing new quality productive forces according to local conditions in terms of methods has been proposed;the“historical initiative”of new production relations that are in line with the new quality productive forces in the comprehensive deepening of reform has been proposed;and in terms of ideology,the creative transformation of the“innovation”endowment of the Chinese nation has been achieved.The new quality productive forces not only upholds and innovates the Marxist theory of productive forces,opening up a new realm of Marxist political economy,but also provides a powerful ideological weapon and scientific action plan for breaking away from the“apprenticeship”status of Western economics in theory and breaking the“turning from reality to virtuality”and“decoupling and breaking chains”in practice.
作者 陈绍辉 孙熙国 Chen Shaohui;Sun Xiguo
出处 《河南社会科学》 北大核心 2024年第7期1-9,共9页 Henan Social Sciences
基金 北京市习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心项目“中国式现代化创造人类文明新形态的内在逻辑研究”(23LLMLC093)。
关键词 新质生产力 政治经济学 生产关系 经济新动能 New Quality Productive Forces Political Economy Production Relations New Economic Driving Forces
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