

Analysis on Sandfield Landscape Characteristics and Biocultural Diversity in the Pearl River Delta
摘要 分析自然和文化协同驱动下珠江三角洲沙田景观特征与生物文化多样性的演变机制,为沙田文化景观的保护和可持续发展提供理论参考。以生物文化多样性理论为支撑,通过划分沙田景观类型并选取连续样方对沙田典型单元的景观特征及其生物文化多样性的关联进行剖析;对研究单元的“城-水-田”肌理及模式进行概括和纵向对比,量化分析城市化影响下三角洲典型沙田景观特征的演变机制。人工干预对沙田景观特征和生物文化多样性的影响主要表现在人为垦殖、沙田农业生计活动、多样化的文化群体的生活实践等方面。珠江三角洲的农业地区城市化和农村人口向城市中心迁移已成为改变沙田生物文化多样性的主要驱动因素,不同程度的城镇化影响了沙田“城-水-田”的空间肌理及景观构成模式。 The sandfield landscape in the Pearl River Delta which carries rich biological and cultural heritage is the core component of Lingnan culture.The continuous urban belt at the mouth of the Pearl River which has been formed gradually since the reform and opening up has gradually divided the sand field landscape,resulting in the imbalance between people and land followed by the crisis against inheriting the traditional agricultural culture.Based on the biocultural diversified system of sand field landscapes in the Pearl River Delta as well as their historical evolution and changes,the evolutionary mechanism of sandfield landscape features and biocultural diversity under the synergistic drive of nature and culture were analyzed.Moreover,the significance of biocultural diversity protection in sandfields was investigated.Results provide theoretical references for protection and sustainable development of sandfield cultural landscape.Based on the theory of biological and cultural diversity,sandfield landscape types were divided to analyze landscape characteristics of typical units and their correlation with biocultural diversity by using continuous plots.From the perspective of ecology,production and life,influences of artificial intervention on sandfield landscape features and biocultural diversity were analyzed.In this study,3 typical units of 3km×3km settlement spatial scale were chosen.The year 1978 was viewed as the boundary between traditional and modern chronology research when the reform and opening up policy began.The"city-water-field"texture and mode in each unit were summarized and compared.The evolutionary mechanism of typical sandfield landscape features in the Pearl River Delta under the influence of urbanization was analyzed quantitatively according to built-up area ratio,water system density,water surface area ratio and other indexes.A system of sandfield landscape biocultural diversity types in the Pearl River Delta consisting of"3 major categories,7 sub-categories and 12basic classes"was established.According to analysis,sandfield landscape features and biocultural diversity changed continuously as a response to nature and culture.Specifically,influences of artificial intervention on sandfield landscape features and biocultural diversity are mainly manifested as follows:1)human cultivation has changed the morphology of sandfield and water systems and also cultivated a cultural ecology of Pearl River Delta-water symbiosis.2)The sandfield agricultural livelihood activities have not only brought traditional agricultural wisdoms and cultivated diversity of crop handicraft development in sandfield,but also shaped the landscape texture of different sandfield zones.3)The material and spiritual life practices of diversified cultural groups have formed the diversified settlement patterns and folk cultural landscapes of sandfield water towns.Influenced by urbanization,the traditional relationship of"city-water-field"is changed into a mixed state of traditional life and agricultural and industrial production,forming a mixed urban-rural style of"half city and half village,neither city nor village".Sandfield cultural landscape in the Pearl River Delta is the integrated phenomenon under the collaborative action of landscape landform driven by nature and culture,land type,agricultural biodiversity and traditional culture.The key advantages of inspecting landscape features from the perspective of biocultural diversity are introduced as follows:relevant landscape elements can be connected into subsystems by centering at cultural practice groups and key species,thus mastering the overall features of sandfield cultural landscape and biocultural diversity system structure.The urbanization of agricultural areas and the migration of rural population to central urban areas in the Pearl River Delta have become the main driving factors for changes in biocultural diversity of sandfield in the delta.Different degrees of urbanization influence the spatial texture of"city-water-field"and the landscape composition pattern of sandfield.Due to limitations in time and research conditions,the characteristic records of typical sandfield units were analyzed by selecting typical units.This couldn't reflect all sandfield landscape features in the study area.Besides,the index selection for quantitative analysis of sandfield landscape evolutionary mechanism is unsatisfactory and the sample size of interviews is not sufficient.This study is expected to offer some indexes for protection and development of sandfield cultural landscapes in the Pearl River Delta and attract more scholars to conduct in-depth investigations.
作者 吴伟枫 张坤月 许自力 WU Weifeng;ZHANG Kunyue;XU Zili
出处 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期10-20,共11页 South Architecture
基金 2020年度广州市社会科学资助项目(2020GZGJ17):粤港澳大湾区水上文化景观保护与发展研究。
关键词 珠江三角洲 沙田 景观特征 景观成因 生物文化多样性 保护价值 Pearl River Delta sandfield landscape features landscape formation reasons biocultural diversity protection value
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