

Research on Features and Influencing Factors of Traditional Settlements in Nanjiang River Basin:A Case Study based on Riverside Villages in Yunan County,Yunfu City
摘要 南江流域地处山岭逶迤的粤西山区,山多地少,地形复杂,贯穿腹地的南江水道是旧时沟通粤西北与广州通道,为江海山河古道汇通之要。依山傍水的自然地理与古驿道贸易之利为南江流域带来繁荣与昌盛,传统聚落因水而兴、依水而兴,形成了具有南江文化特色的传统聚落景观特征。通过实地踏勘、历史文献与村落族谱整理以及地理信息系统分析等方法,以南江流域郁南沿江村落为研究对象,从文化地理学视角切入,揭示南江流域“人地”关系下形成的传统聚落总体分布、生态景观、生产景观、生活景观的特征,最后得出形成南江流域景观特征的影响因素分别是适应南江水环境而形成的山水景观、古驿道商贸促成的生产生活景观以及“募民占籍”政策催生出多元景观。通过对南江流域景观特征及其影响因素研究,以期为南江流域乃至粤西传统聚落的景观特征研究贡献相关成果。 The Nanjiang River Basin is located in the mountainous area of western Guangdong and is known as the birthplace of Lingnan culture.The"Nanjiang River"is not only a geographical concept but also a regional cultural having a long history and tradition.It has its own water culture belt,cultural genes,soul of the nation and spiritual bond.In addition,there are multiple ethnic cultures including Baiyue,Hakkas,Guangfu and Fulao in the Nanjiang River Basin since it is located in the cultural sub-region of Guangfu in Xijiang,showing unique regional characteristics and cultural heritage different from the Xijiang River Basin and western Guangdong.Yunan County in the downstream of Nanjiang River is the center of Nanjiang culture.The cultural relics in the late Paleolithic Age and Neolithic Age discovered in Modao Mountain in Yunan County are the earliest ancient imprints which have been found in Guangdong.The geographical conditions of the mountains and rivers and the trade benefits of the ancient post road have brought prosperity to the Nanjiang River Basin.The traditional settlements along the route are rich and prosperous.The section from Yunan Dawan Town to Nanjiangkou Town is a golden waterway with stable water flow and wide channel.The traditional settlements along this section are very characteristic of Nanjiang River style.Existing studies on traditional settlements in the Nanjiang River Basin mainly focus on development of ancient villages and the protection and utilization of ancient buildings.There are extensive studies on the landscape characteristics in the Xijiang River Basin or western Guangdong.However,there is a lack of systematic research on the landscape characteristics of traditional settlements in the Nanjiang River Basin.Therefore,the Nanjiang catchment area covering six towns of Dawan,Hekou,Songgui,Liantan,Dongba and Nanjiangkou was chosen as the study area and 58 traditional settlements within the study area were selected as the research objects according to field surveys.Through field surveys,historical documents,village genealogy and geographic information system analysis,the landscape characteristics derived from the human-land relationship in the Nanjiang River Basin from the perspective of cultural geography were disclosed.Traditional settlements generally concentrate in the flat hinterland between the two mountains,the flat hinterland on both sides of the river or the open flat area with a gentle slope between the hilly platforms.The ecological landscape of traditional settlements is eclectic and most settlements are located near water bodies with high attention to Fengshui imagery.The production landscape integrates both agriculture and commerce and pursues high-efficiency production under the influence of commercial atmosphere of the ancient post road.The landscape reflects cultural fusion and gathering of talents.The traditional settlements adapt to large and multi-function house structure for living.Moreover,the integration of multiple cultures in Nanjiang is reflected in traditional architecture,folk culture and other aspects.Human adaptation and coordination to the complicated natural geography of Nanjiang River,manual site selection in accordance with landform,development based on river benefits brought by natural water system and production of multi-cultural landscapes can influence formation of landscape characteristics.These influencing factors are mainly manifested in the following three points:1)landscape adapting to water environment in Nanjiang River Basin.Nanjiang River Basin is located in the mountainous area of western Guangdong.Under the complicated geographical conditions,the settlement survival and village construction are coordinated with nature,which dominates distribution and site selection laws of settlements.2)The commerce and trade based on ancient post roads promote the formation of production and life landscapes.The post road pattern in Nanjiang waterway assisted by the Guguan Avenue influences the living landscapes of traditional settlements to a very large extent.In the context of active business,commercial facilities of settlements are developed,while settlement layout and house design adapt to commercial development.3)The policy of"recruiting people to occupy land"in the middle of Ming Dynasty has given rise to diverse landscapes.With implementation of this policy,various immigrants of different ethnic groups were attracted,bringing the multi-cultural settlement landscape pattern,spatial layout,residential building styles and architectural decorations of local traditional settlements.Therefore,diversified and inclusive Nanjiang Culture was formed.Traditional settlements are treasures of the Nanjiang River Basin,reflecting human adaptability to natural environment and cultural and social changes.Considering the impact of current urbanization on traditional settlements,contemporary urban and rural construction should respect and understand the living and construction logics of traditional settlements and cherish precious traditional settlement landscapes under the premise of steady economic and social development.The study on landscape features and influencing factors of traditional settlements in Nanjiang River Basin could facilitate the investigation on landscape features in Nanjiang River Basin and traditional settlements in western Guangdong.
作者 陈玮婷 赵建华 邱丽 CHEN Weiting;ZHAO Jianhua;QIU Li
出处 《南方建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期44-55,共12页 South Architecture
基金 2023年度教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(23YJA850006):文化生态视域下粤北瑶族村寨景观评价及传承路径研究 广东省哲学社会科学规划2023年度一般项目(GD23CYS04):文化融合视域下广东传统客侨聚落空间演化机理与现代转译模式研究。
关键词 传统聚落 南江流域 景观特征 郁南 古驿道 traditional settlements Nanjiang River Basin landscape features Yunan County ancient post road
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