

Vaccination-related inquiries from government/health hotline callers or official website visitors in Nanjing city,2018-2022:an analysis on work orders of a municipal health institution
摘要 目的 分析南京市公众预防接种相关舆情特征。方法 从南京12 345政务热线平台和南京12 320健康服务平台收集2018-2022年预防接种相关工单1 525件,收集个案的工单编号、诉求时间、诉求渠道、诉求内容的详细信息,将信息录入EXCEL 2010软件形成数据库后分类汇总分析。结果 2018-2022年,南京市疾病预防控制中心共受理预防接种相关工单1 525件,平均月工单量为25.42件。2018年工单件数位列第1的为7月47件,占比78.33%;2019年工单件数位列第1的为6月和11月各7件,分别占比14.29%;2020年工单件数位列第1的为2月11件,占比20.00%;2021年工单件数位列第1的为8月227件,占比32.24%;2022年工单件数位列第1的为12月165件,占比25.11%。诉求内容涉及单品种疫苗种类位列前3的为新冠病毒疫苗1 128件,人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗103件和狂犬疫苗72件。2018-2022年新上市的疫苗中,带状疱疹疫苗85.71%的诉求内容为接种门诊地点,接种时间,预约接种流程,接种需要携带材料。新冠病毒疫苗此类诉求内容占比47.52%。结论 疫苗质量安全问题,重大突发事件导致免疫服务暂缓,大规模接种的疫苗免疫程序调整可导致预防接种相关舆情数量短期出现较大波动。新上市疫苗主要诉求内容为如何接种到疫苗。 Objective To analyze the characteristics of vaccination-related inquiries from government/health hotline callers or official website visitors in Nanjing city during 2018-2022.Methods From Nanjing Municipal Center for Disease Prevention and Control,we collected totally 1525 work orders for vaccination-related inquiries from government 12345/health 12320 hotline callers or official website visitors in Nanjing city during 2018-2022 and conducted descriptive statistical analysis on those inquiries with SPSS18.0 software.Results During the 5-year period,the average monthly number of vaccination-related inquiries accepted by the institution was 25.42,with the year-specific highest monthly number of 47(accounting for 78.33%of the total number in the year)in July of 2018,7(14.29%)in June and November of 2019,11(20.00%)in February of 2020,227(32.24%)in August of 2021,and 165(25.11%)in December of 2022,respectively.The top three vaccines most frequently concerned by the inquirers were coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)vaccine(with 1128 inquiries),human papillomavirus(HPV)vaccine(103),and rabies vaccine(72).Of all the inquiries about herpes zoster vaccine,a newly approved vaccine,85.71%were concerns about the site,time,appointment process,and relevant document required for the inoculation of the vaccine.Of all the inquiries about COVID-19 vaccine,the other newly approved vaccine,47.52%were concerns about the site,time,appointment process,and relevant document required for the inoculation of the vaccine.Conclusion Vaccine safety issue and major health emergency may hinder the implementation of planned immunization and major adjustment in immunization procedures for mass vaccination may lead to short-term increase in the number of vaccination-related inquiries from the public.The main inquiry about newly approved vaccines is how to get vaccinated.
作者 黄琦敏 梁亚琼 周荣锋 李媛媛 HUANG Qimin;LIANG Yaqiong;ZHOU Rongfeng;LI Yuanyuan(Nanjing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Nanjing 210003,China)
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期367-370,共4页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 南京市卫生科技发展专项资金(YKK22194)。
关键词 预防接种 12345政务服务热线 12320卫生热线 舆情 vaccination 12345 public service hotline 12320 health hotline public inquiry
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