

The acupoint selection rules of acupuncture in the treatment of the heart and spleen deficiency type insomnia based on data mining techniques
摘要 目的:通过数据挖掘技术深入探究针刺治疗心脾两虚型失眠的选穴规律。方法:检索中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台、维普中文期刊服务平台建库至2023年3月5日收录的相关文献并进行整理,按照纳入标准、剔除标准遴选后,采用Excel对数据进行计量分析,再使用SPSS进行关联规则分析和聚类分析。结果:最终纳入文献99篇,涉及腧穴75个,应用总频次为701次;神门穴、三阴交穴、百会穴、脾俞穴、心俞穴、足三里穴在所有腧穴中使用频次较高;膀胱经、督脉及经外奇穴为腧穴主要归经,头面颈项部及下肢部为主要分布部位;特定穴主要为交会穴、五输穴以及背俞穴,占总应用腧穴的74.67%(56/75);通过关联规则分析得出16条强关联规则,其中支持度最高的腧穴是心俞穴—脾俞穴,聚类分析得出5个有效聚类群。结论:针刺治疗心脾两虚型失眠以补益心脾、养血安神为治则,以辨证选穴原则为核心,重用膀胱经之背俞穴及督脉穴调理心脾功能,处方以特定穴为主,并体现了局部选穴配合远端选穴的思想,初步得出其选穴规律及特点,以期为临床治疗失眠提供针对性更强的穴位处方。 Objective:To deeply explore the acupoint selection rules of acupuncture in the treatment of the heart and spleen deficiency type insomnia through data mining technique.Methods:Relevant literature published from the establishment of each database to March 5,2023 was retrieved and sorted out for a quantitative analysis of the relevant data by Excel after selection according to inclusion and exclusion criteria,and then association rule analysis and cluster analysis were performed by SPSS software.Results:A total of 99 articles were included finally,involving 75 acupoints,with a total applied frequency of 701 times.Shenmen point(HT7),Sanyinjiao point(SP6),Baihui point(DU20),Pishu point(BL20),Xinshu point(BL15),and Zusanli point(ST36)were used more frequently in all acupoints.The bladder meridian,Du meridian(督脉),and extraordinary acupoints were the main meridians of the acupoints,and the head,face,neck,and lower limbs were the main distribution parts of applied points.Specific acupoints accounted for 74.67%of the total applied acupoints,mainly including confluent points,five transport points,and back-shu points(背俞穴).Sixteen strong association rules were obtained by the association analysis,among which the mated points with the highest support degree were Xinshu point(BL15)-Pishu point(BL20),and five effective cluster groups were obtained by the cluster analysis.Conclusion:Acupuncture treatment of the heart and spleen deficiency type insomnia focuses on the principle of tonifying the heart and spleen,and nourishing blood and calming the mind,with the principle of selecting acupoints based on differentiation as the core.The bladder meridian back-shu points and Du meridian points are highly selected to regulate the function of the heart and spleen,and the selected points are mainly specific acupoints,reflecting the idea of combining local points and distal points.In general,the acupoint selection rules and characteristics are preliminarily obtained,aiming to provide more targeted acupoints for the clinical treatment of insomnia.
作者 刘厚材 黄朝林 李安洪 LIU Houcai
出处 《中医临床研究》 2024年第16期44-49,共6页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
关键词 数据挖掘 针刺 心脾两虚型失眠 选穴规律 Data mining Acupuncture The heart and spleen deficiency type insomnia Acupoint selection rule
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