

Estimation and Spatial Differentiation of China's Urban Green Business Environment Index under Carbon Neutrality
摘要 碳中和背景下打造城市绿色营商环境已成为推动经济高质量发展的重要保障,而全面精准衡量城市绿色营商环境则是其中的关键。文章使用2008-2020年我国283个地级市的面板数据,基于复合生态系统理论,构建我国城市绿色营商环境评价体系,通过构建熵权法、CRITIC法和变异系数法的最优组合权重,测算城市绿色营商环境指数,同时借助泰尔指数考察城市绿色营商环境的空间差异及其来源,结果发现:(1)尽管我国城市绿色营商环境在不断优化(0.0733→0.1543),但却存在较为显著的区域差异,其中东部城市绿色营商环境的相对优势明显且在不断扩大。(2)绿色营商环境各分项指标得分也呈逐年增加之态势,且同样存在显著的区域差异,其中东部地区在金融环境、市场环境和人力资源方面占有绝对优势,中西部地区的公共服务与法治环境则在不断改善,而城市生态环境指数整体上都处于较低水平。(3)绿色营商环境的泰尔指数总体上呈下降趋势(0.3565→0.3482),表明我国城市绿色营商环境发展水平的区域不平衡性开始得到缓解,且这种不平衡主要来自省内差异。本文测算的绿色营商环境指数为城市营商环境的优化提供了新的视角与依据,基于上述研究结论,本文从以下两方面提出政策启示:(1)各地要着力提升绿色营商环境的各项指标水平;(2)有针对性地推动地区间和地区内协调发展。 Under the background of carbon neutrality,building a green business environment in cities has become an important guarantee to promote high-quality economic development,and a comprehensive and accurate measurement of the green business environment in cities is the key.Using panel data of 283 prefecture-level cities in China from 2008 to 2018,based on the composite ecosystem theory,this paper constructs an evaluation system for China's urban green business environment.Furthermore,by constructing the optimal combination weights of entropy weight method,CRITIC method and coefficient of variation method,the urban green business environment index is estimated.Meanwhile,the spatial differences of urban green business environment and their sources are investigated by using Theil index.The results show that:①Although the green business environment of Chinese cities is constantly optimized(0.0733→0.1543),there are significant regional differences,among which the relative advantages of green business environment of eastern cities are obvious and expanding.②Green business environment situation of each subentry index score also increased,and there is also significant regional differences,the eastern region in the financial environment,market environment and holds an absolute advantage in human resources,the central and western regions environment of public service and rule of law is constantly improved,and the index of urban ecological environment as a whole are relatively low.③The Theil index of green business environment showed a downward trend(0.3565→0.3482),indicating that the regional imbalance of green business environment in Chinese cities began to be alleviated,and this imbalance mainly came from the differences within provinces.The green business environment index calculated in this paper provides a new perspective and basis for the optimization of urban business environment.Based on the above conclusions,this paper puts forward policy implications from the following two aspects:①All localities should focus on improving the level of indicators of green business environment.②Promote coordinated development between and within regions in a targeted way.
作者 李秀清 肖黎明 方兰 Li Xiuqing;Xiao Liming;Fang Lan
出处 《投资研究》 北大核心 2024年第4期37-50,共14页 Review of Investment Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“我国省际绿色创新的空间结构演化及异质性溢出研究”(17BJY038) 山西师范大学产学研合作项目“双碳目标下推进山西创新体系绿色低碳转型发展研究”(项目编号:CXY2302)。
关键词 碳中和 绿色营商环境 空间分异 泰尔指数 Carbon neutral Green business environment Spatial disparity Thayer index
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