

Qualitative research on the cognition of chemotherapy-induced taste alterations by medical staff in oncology department
摘要 目的深入了解肿瘤科医护人员对化疗所致味觉改变(CITAs)方面的认知。方法采取描述性质性研究的方法,于2023年8—11月采用目的抽样法对复旦大学附属肿瘤医院15名肿瘤内科医护人员进行深入访谈,采用Colaizzi 7步分析法对访谈资料进行转录、编码、类属分析及描述。结果15名受访者年龄为26~43岁,男3名,女12名。共提炼出3个主题,CITAs症状管理的益处感知("硬结局"之益处感知-提高症状管理水平;"软结局"之益处感知-增进多方有效沟通);CITAs相关知识的认知匮乏阻碍了有效的症状管理(医护人员对CITAs相关知识的认知存在差异;CITAs相关知识获取渠道的可及性较低);CITAs的管理与干预措施缺乏专业化与高效率(CITAs的管理措施多源于工作经验;未来CITAs的管理可能基于信息化建设)。结论管理者应充分利用CITAs症状管理契机,制订专业化且高效的干预及管理策略,加强肿瘤科医护人员对于该症状相关知识的学习,减少症状困扰及患者自我感受负担,以提高肿瘤内科医护人员症状管理的水平。 Objective To gain a deeper understanding of the experience of medical staff in the oncology department in understanding and managing chemotherapy-induced taste alterations(CITAs).Methods Using phenomenological research methods,in-depth interviews were conducted with 15 medical staff in the oncology department of Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center,and the interview materials were transcribed,encoded,categorized,and described by Colaizzi 7-step analysis method.Results Totally 15 respondents aged 26-43,3 males and 12 females.Three themes were extracted,including the perception of benefits of CITAs symptom management("hard outcome"benefit perception-improving symptom management level;"soft outcome"benefit perception-enhancing effective communication among multiple parties);the obstacles between the lack of awareness of knowledge about CITAs and symptom management(differences in medical staff′s understanding of CITAs;low accessibility of acquisition channels about CITAs knowledge);the management and intervention measures of CITAs lack specialization and high efliciency(CITAs′management measures mostly stem from work experience;CITAs′management may be based on information construction in the future).Conclusions Hospital managers should fully utilize the opportunity of symptom management in CITAs,develop professional and efficient intervention and management strategies,strengthen the learning of relevant knowledge of the symptom among medical staff in oncology department,reduce symptom distress and patient self-perception burden,and improve the level of symptom management among medical staff in the oncology department.
作者 董元鸽 杨瑒 张晓菊 陆箴琦 Dong Yuange;Yang Yang;Zhang Xiaoju;Lu Zhenqi(Department of Nursing,Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center,Shanghai Medical College Oncology Department,Fudan University,Shanghai 200032,China)
出处 《中国实用护理杂志》 2024年第17期1332-1337,共6页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
基金 复旦大学-复星护理科研基金(FNF201825)。
关键词 定性研究 味觉改变 认知 Qualitative research Taste alterations Cognition
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