2Neal Zaslaw. Music and Society in the Classical Era [ G] //Neal Zaslaw , The Classical Era: From the 1740s to the End of the 18th Century. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, lO89.
3Philip G. Downs. Classical Music: The Era of Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven [ M]. New York and Lordon: Norton, 1992: 34.
5Daniel Heartz, Music in European Capitals: the Galant Style, 1720-1780.New York and London: Norton, 2003.
6New York and London: Norton, 1971. expanded edition,1997.
7James Webster, Haydn' s "Farewell" Symphony and the Idea of Classical Style : Through - Composition and Cyclic Integration in His Instrumental Music Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
8James Webster, Haydn' s"Farewell" Symphony and the Idea of Classical Style: Through - Composition and Cyclic Integration in His Instrumental Music Cambridge: Cambridge University, Press, 1991.
9Daniel Heartz and Bruce Alan Brown, "Pre -Classical," The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd ed. ,ed. by Stanley Sadie (London:Macmillan,2001 ), vol. 20,282.
10William Fleming ,Arts and Ideas ( Fort Worth and Chicago:Hold,Rinehart and Winston,Inc. , 1986) ,356.