

Prosperity for All:The Necessity of Unifying Production and Consumption in the Economic Manuscripts of 1857-1858
摘要 产品、商品、货币和资本是财富的社会表现形式,内在地包括生产与消费之间的关系,生产与消费有机统一是财富生产的客观要求。资本是财富社会表现形式历史性演进的结果,其中,生产与消费之间的关系最为复杂,商品要成为消费品,需要经历生产准备、实际生产和售卖三个过程。每个过程都是资本要经历的坎,每道坎都有可能使资本运动半途而废。一方面是资本获利冲动和工业革命后机器体系生产的“巨大效率”相互结合,另一方面是不合理的分配制度,在这两方面的共同作用下,生产与消费脱节,进而导致周期性生产过剩,这是“资本主义生产的规律”。如何走出生产过剩的困境?马克思在《1857—1858年经济学手稿》中给出的答案是“所有的人富裕”。“所有的人富裕”是共同富裕的另一种表述,在某种意义上可以将其理解为,在社会主义经济条件下,消费能力必须与生产能力保持一致,生产与消费有机统一是刚性要求。马克思的这一思想启示我们,从经济规律层面研究共同富裕具有重要的理论意义。 Products, commodities, currency, and capital are social manifestations of wealth that inherently encompass the relationship between production and consumption. The organic unity of production and consumption is an objective requirement for wealth creation. Capital, the result of the historical evolution of wealth's social expression, embodies the most complex relationship between production and consumption. For commodities to become consumer goods, they must undergo three processes: production preparation, actual production, and sales. Each process is a hurdle that capital must overcome, and failure at any stage may halt capital's movement. The combination of capital's profit motive and the “immense efficiency” of machine-based production following the Industrial Revolution, along with an unreasonable distribution system, has led to a disconnect between production and consumption, resulting in cyclical overproduction—the “law of capitalist production. ”Marx's answer to overcoming the overproduction dilemma in the Economic Manuscripts of 1857-1858 is “prosperity for all,” another expression of common prosperity. Under socialist economic conditions, consumption capacity must align with production capacity, and the organic unity of production and consumption is an unconditional requirement. Marx's thought enlightens us that studying common prosperity from the perspective of economic laws holds significant theoretical importance.
作者 宫敬才 Gong Jingcai
出处 《马克思主义与现实》 北大核心 2024年第3期54-61,202,203,共10页 Marxism & Reality
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“马克思《政治经济学批判大纲》中的哲学思想新探”[项目编号:16AZX001]的阶段性成果。
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