

High Harmonic Generation and X-ray Quantum Optics(Invited)
摘要 高次谐波产生过程是一种广泛、成熟、可行的制备相干量子光源的方案,在新兴的X射线量子光学领域有望得到应用。目前,量子光学已经在微波和可见光波段研发了诸如压缩态制备、诱导透明、高次谐波产生、多波混频等应用。X射线因其高精度、高衍射极限、鲁棒性、穿透性和聚焦能力在理论上优于目前广泛采用的微波和可见光波段,在X射线波段下研发量子光学模型、量子信息单元和量子光学元件,有助于推动其向精密化,小型化发展。最近的研究将量子光学推广至X射线波段,产生了诸如X能标下的量子系统、单光子、脉冲、高次谐波产生相干X射线脉冲等创新性研究成果,发展了阿秒级的相干X射线量子光源。X射线光学与量子光学的交叉正在引来越来越多的关注,成为一个具有显著突破意义和应用前景的研究领域。 The process of high-harmonic generation is a mature and feasible plan to build coherent quantum light sources.It is widely used in the emerging X-ray quantum optical field and is expected for its deep application.X-ray is theoretically proved better than the currently widely used microwave and visible light band due to its high precision,high diffraction limit,robustness,penetration and focusing ability.Developing quantum optical models,quantum information units and quantum optical components in X-ray bands,could help to their promote precision and miniaturize development.Recent research combines quantum optics with X-ray,producing new types of light sources such as X-ray free electronic lasers,quantum systems,single photon,pulse,and high harmonic generation of coherent quantum light resource under the X-ray regime.The cross between X-ray optics and quantum optics is attracting more and more attention from researchers,becoming a research field with significant breakthroughs and application prospects.The atomic system used in X-ray frequency band quantum optical experiments is the Fe Mossbauer nuclear ensemble,because it has narrow nuclear resonance width narrow(4.7 neV)and long coherence time due to its abundance of cooperative effects.In recent years,researchers have achieved the proof of spontaneous generation coherence under the ensemble,as well as the multi-layer nuclear ensemble model scheme with strong coupling properties.On the other hand,researchers have achieved multiple paths of maintaining the transition in X-ray nuclei such as electromagnetic induced transparency,acoustic induced transparency,and optomechanically induced transparency.In the past five years,the methods above have been optimized,filling the gap in the regulation of X-ray quantum system.X-ray quantum optics requires high-quality X-ray light sources.At present,the scheme of super-fine magnetic field regulation single photon storage has achieved energy and phase storage.In addition,the waveform modulation of X-ray single photon mainly adopts the equivalent scheme of using the mechanical movement of the resonance absorber to phase modulate the pulse,and has pioneered the realization of strong controllability and high precision desktop single photon pulse source.The current XFEL light source generally has coherence problems,however,high-harmonic generation have inherent coherence,which is expected to produce a new generation of attosecond X-ray sources.The current research on high harmonic generating X-ray pulses is mature in the water window energy level.At the same time,various optimization schemes of intensity,photon energy,and phase matching have been proposed.On the other hand,the strong coherence of high-order harmonic X-ray sources makes them firece competitors in ultrafast spectroscopy and ultrafast dynamics detection that can replace XFEL and other X-ray sources.Recently,the theory of high-order harmonics has been advanced to the full quantum stage,and it has been proven that the spectral characteristics of high-order harmonics are strongly correlated with the quantum characteristics of the driving light.It is pointed out that HHG can be used to generate highly coherent,attosecond pulses with properties such as beam gathering and entanglement.In summary,looking back at the past 30 years,X-ray quantum optics has produced many achievements with stage significance in the construction of atomic systems,light sources and photons,pulse regulation etc.,marking that the physical regime at the X-ray level is gradually entering the exploration of non-classical effects and the design and regulation scheme at the quantum optical level.With the breakthrough of high harmonic in light sources,theory and applications,we believe that X-ray attosecond light source based on HHG process has a broader prospect in X-ray quantum optics because of its coherence and ultrafast advantages.
作者 付逸飞 赵迪 李蓬勃 李福利 FU Yifei;ZHAO Di;LI Pengbo;LI Fuli(Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Nonequilibrium Synthesis and Modulation of Condensed Matter,Shaanxi Province Key Laboratory of Quantum Information and Quantum Optoelectronic Devices,School of Physics,Xi′an Jiaotong University,Xi′an 710049,China)
出处 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第6期39-47,共9页 Acta Photonica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.12375018) 陕西数理基础科学研究项目(No.22JSY037)。
关键词 量子光学 谐波产生 非线性光学 超快激光 X射线光学 Quantum optics Harmonic generation Nonlinear optics Ultrafast lasers X-ray optics
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