

Discussion on the Main Technologies and Problems of the Restoration of Typical Coastal Ecosystems in China
摘要 滨海生态系统修复是我国海洋生态保护工作的重要部分,众多海洋生态修复项目在全国各地陆续获批实施,修复技术研究面临着更高的要求。本文从海洋生态系统修复的模式划分出发,梳理了滨海盐沼、潮滩、海草床、红树林、珊瑚礁、牡蛎礁等典型类型的常见修复技术;简要介绍了多种修复技术的技术瓶颈;指出目前我国海洋生态修复存在的一些问题,如生态系统修复理论研究不足,修复手段以人工为主,对生态系统功能修复的重视不够,修复的时空尺度的衔接性和延续性欠缺;提出了亟待解决的关键技术问题,如高效低成本海草床修复关键技术尚待突破,珊瑚礁修复关键技术尚在发展中,红树林宜林地的选择和退塘还林技术有待提高;并提出今后应该以生态修复的顶层谋划为引领,进一步加强相关研究。 The restoration of coastal ecosystems is an important part of China's marine ecological protection work.Numerous marine ecological restoration projects have been approved and implemented throughout the country,resulting in higher requirements for research on marine ecological restoration technologies.Starting from the mode division of typical coastal ecosystem restoration,this article summarizes the common restoration technologies for typical ecological types such as coastal salt marsh wetlands,tidal flats,seagrass beds,mangroves,coral reefs,and oyster reefs;Briefly introduced The technical bottlenecks of various restoration techniques;The current practical problems in the current marine ecological restoration in China were pointed out,including insufficient theoretical research on coastal ecosystem restoration,mainly relying on artificial restoration methods,insufficient emphasis on ecosystem function restoration,and a lack of connectivity and continuity in the spatiotemporal scale of restoration effects.The current practical problems in the current marine ecological restoration in China were pointed out,including insufficient theoretical research on coastal ecosystem restoration,mainly relying on artificial restoration methods,insufficient emphasis on ecosystem function restoration,and a lack of connectivity and continuity in the spatiotemporal scale of restoration effects.Several key technical issues that urgently need to be solved have been proposed,such as the breakthrough of efficient and low-cost seagrass bed restoration key technology,the development of coral reef restoration key technology,and the need to improve the selection of suitable forest land for mangrove forests and the technology of returning ponds to forests;And it is proposed that in the future,the top-level planning of ecological restoration should be taken as the guide to further strengthen relevant research.
作者 刘霜 温国义 张继民 杨晓飞 LIU Shuang;WEN Guoyi;ZHANG Jimin;YANG Xiaofei(Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Ecological Environment and Disaster Prevention and Mitigation,Qingdao 266061,China;Key Laboratory of Ecological Prewarning and Protection of the Bohai Sea,Ministry of Natural Resources,Qingdao 266033,China;North China Sea Environmental Monitoring Center,State Oceanic Administration,Qingdao 266033,China)
出处 《海洋技术学报》 2024年第3期72-81,共10页 Journal of Ocean Technology
基金 山东省海洋生态环境与防灾减灾重点实验室开放基金资助项目(202103)。
关键词 滨海典型生态系统 生态修复技术 技术瓶颈 技术突破 实践应用 typical coastal ecosystems ecological restoration technology technical bottlenecks technical breakthrough practical application
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