

The Moral Status of Intelligent Machines in the Symbiotic Perspective
摘要 随着智能机器逐步拥有类人类的感知和思维能力,智能机器是否可以类似非人生物在道德受体甚至更高意义上被赋予其道德地位成为一个需要认真对待的议题。基于对智能机器道德地位的三种考量可发现,诸多论证并未从智能机器的内在价值去探究智能机器道德地位的重要性。而通过引用生物学和生态学意义上的共生概念,指出智能机器在与人异质共存前提下构成的共生关系网络中,具有维持互利共生网络的内在价值,进而可以对论证其道德地位的关系论路径所面临的“他者”问题和关系稳定性问题进行消解,通过承认智能机器的内在价值赋予其道德地位。最终,从共生的生物演化视角、人类世视角,以及超越“两种主义”争论的视角,主张一种积极面向的开放性人机关系,从而对关系论的智能机器道德地位问题进行回应,也为人机关系的发展问题提供可探索的未来。 With intelligent machines gradually possessing human-like sensing and thinking capabilities,the question of whether intelligent machines can be given a moral status similar to that of non-human beings in the sense of being moral patients or even in a higher sense has become a topic that needs to be taken seriously.Based on the three considerations of the moral status of intelligent machines,it can be found that many arguments do not explore the importance of the moral status of intelligent machines in terms of their intrinsic value.By invoking the concept of symbiosis in the sense of biology and ecology and pointing out that intelligent machines have the intrinsic value of maintaining a mutually beneficial symbiotic network in the symbiotic relationship network constituted under the premise of heterogeneous coexistence with human beings,we can dissolve the problem of"the other"and the problem of stability of the relationship that the relational path of arguing for the moral status of intelligent machines is confronted with.By recognizing the intrinsic value of intelligent machines,moral status can be conferred on them.Ultimately,from the biological evolutionary perspective of symbiosis,the anthropocene perspective,and the perspective of transcending the"two-ism"debate,we can advocate a positively oriented and open human-intlligent machines relationship,thus responding to the moral status of intelligent machines in the relational theory,and providing an exploratory future for the development of human-intelligent machines relationship.
作者 赵斌 田天增 ZHAO Bin;TIAN Tian-zeng(Rearch Center for Philosophy of Science and Technology,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006;School of Philosophy,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China)
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 北大核心 2024年第5期73-80,共8页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 2022年度教育部重点研究基地重大项目“系统与合成生物学哲学研究”(22JJD720018) 国家社会科学基金后期资助项目“当代达尔文主义纲领的哲学基础”(21FZXB038)。
关键词 智能机器 道德地位 共生 异质共存 intelligent machines moral status symbiosis heterogeneous coexistence
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