

Interpretation of the Best Time for Diseases of the Six Meridians to Recover and Diseases of the Six Meridians Based on Spiritual Pivot
摘要 《灵枢·营卫生会》言:“卫气行于阴二十五度,行于阳二十五度,分为昼夜……如是无已,与天地同纪。”荣卫二气于阴分、阳分各行二十五周,对应昼夜。太阳病欲解时,卫气运行到日中重阳,胃气相对较强,卫气行而盛于外,荣气相对充足。阳明病欲解时,阳尽而阴受气,卫气盛于荣气。少阳病欲解时,阳气从里出表,荣卫二气较弱。太阴病欲解时为重阴,胃气虚衰,荣卫二气生成不足。少阴病欲解时为阴衰,胃气弱,卫气衰,荣气弱。厥阴病欲解时,阴尽而阳受气,此时胃气弱致荣卫生成不足,但同时有卫气初出的趋势。治疗在于维持胃气的正常运行及荣卫二气的平衡,太阳病当泻卫固荣,方选麻黄汤类方;阳明病当清卫补荣,方选承气汤、白虎汤类方;少阳病当补荣疏卫,方选柴胡类方;太阴病当补荣和卫,方选桂枝汤类方;少阴病当补卫固胃护荣,方选四逆汤类方;厥阴病当护胃存荣固卫,方选乌梅丸、干姜黄芩黄连人参汤等方。 According to Spiritual Pivot,"The nutrient qi circulates through yin for 25 cycles and through yang for 25 cycles,dividing the day and night.This cycle continues without end,aligning with the rhythm of the universe."The nutrient qi and defense qi circulate through the yin and yang aspects for a total of 25 rounds respectively,corresponding to day and night.When a greater yang disease reaches the best time to recover,the nutrient qi circulates to the peak of yang at noon,the stomach qi is relatively strong,the defense qi circulates and becomes more excessive on the surface,while the nutrient qi is relatively abundant.When a yang brightness disease reaches the best time to recover,the yang qi is exhausted and the yin qi begins to receive energy,with the defense qi being stronger than the nutrient qi.When a lesser yang disease reaches the best time to recover,the yang qi moves from the interior to the exterior,with the nutrient qi and defense qi being less abundant.When a greater yin disease reaches the best time to recover,it is a severe case of yin deficiency,with weakened spleen qi and insufficient generation of both nutrient qi and defense qi.When a lesser yin disease reaches the best time to recover,stomach qi is weak,the defense qi is exhausted,and the nutrient qi is weak.When a reverting yin disease reaches the best time to recover,yin qi is exhausted and yang qi begins to receive qi,at this time the stomach qi is weak,leading to insufficient generation of the nutrient qi and defense qi.The treatment involves maintaining the normal functioning of the stomach qi and achieving a balance between the nutrient qi and defense qi.For a greater yang disease,expelling the defense qi and consolidating the nutrient qi is adopted,so the classification of Ephedra Decoction can be used.For a yang brightness disease,clearing the defense qi and nourishing the nutrient qi,so the classification of Qi-Receiving Decoction,and White Tiger Decoction can be used.For a lesser yang disease,nourishing the nutrient qi and dispersing the defense qi is adopted,so the classification of Bupleurum Decoction can be used.For a greater yin disease,nourishing the nutrient qi and harmonizing the defense qi is adopted,so the classification of Cinnamon Twig Decoction can be used.For a lesser yin disease,nourishing the defense qi and consolidating the stomach and protecting the nutrient qi,so the classification of Frigid Extremities Decoction can be used.For a reverting disease,protecting the stomach,nourishing the nutrient qi and consolidating the defense qi,so Mume Pill,Dried Ginger Rhizome and Scutellaria and Coptis Decoction can be used.
作者 邱睿懿 吴柏升 王洁宜 刘晓谷 QIU Ruiyi;WU Baisheng;WANG Jieyi;LIU Xiaogu(Zhejiang Chinese Medical University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,China,310053)
机构地区 浙江中医药大学
出处 《河南中医》 2024年第6期816-819,共4页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 浙江省教育厅科研项目(Y20351371) 浙江省基础公益研究计划项目(LY19H270008)。
关键词 “六经病欲解时” 荣气 卫气 胃气 六经病 《灵枢·营卫生会》 《伤寒论》 张仲景 the best time for diseases of the six meridians to recover nutrient qi defense qi stomach qi diseases of the six meridians Spiritual Pivot Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases Zhang Zhongjing
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