

The Image of Chinese Culture Shared by Various Ethnic Groups in Historical Materials of the Ming and Qing Dynasties:The Case of Qin Liangyu
摘要 中华民族是各民族在长期的交往交流交融中形成的,创造、选择、赋意和确定承载中华文化意蕴、标志中华民族整体性的中华文化符号与形象,对内能够增强各民族对中华民族和中华文化的认同,对外能够展现中华民族的象征符号与形象代表。石砫土司秦良玉在征播平叛、援辽抗清、保境安民中屡建功勋,表现出忠贞智勇等品质,成为光耀千秋的巾帼英雄,明清史料记载了其人物事功,使其经由真实英雄向理想人物的嬗变写定,成为历史上标志宣教忠贞护国的文化符号与英雄形象。从秦良玉事功与品质的写定过程可见,史志记录呈载中华文化意蕴、标志中华民族形象的文化事象与历史人物,实质就是各民族选择凝练并共享中华文化符号与形象的过程,形成彼此认同的最大公约数,这是奠定铸牢中华民族共同体意识和加强中华民族建设的基础和前提,有助于各民族增强中华文化认同,具有理论创新和实践指导意义。 As a female hero,Qin Liangyu,bright and studious from a young age,was well prepared by her father’s good education,and married to Ma Qiancheng,the Tusi(native official in feudal China)of Shizhu.After her husband passed away,she took over the Tusi position because their son was too young to inherit the position.However,her region was in tumultuous times amidst the crisis of the collapse of the Ming dynasty,so she was frequently ordered to go on campaign by the central court.In her youth,she participated in battles to quell rebellions,where she excelled and earned military honors.In her middle age,she headed north to provide military assistance in the“Aid for Liaodong”campaign and defended Yuguan.During the“She’an Rebellion,”she successfully lifted the siege of Chengdu and helped restore order in Chongqing.In her prime,she traveled thousands of miles to support the Emperor and was summoned by Emperor Chongzhen,who honored her with a poem.In her sixties,she fought against peasant rebels but was defeated in Kuizhou.In her later years,she retired to her domain for the protection of the local inhabitants,waiting for the stabilization of the country.Her remarkable achievements throughout her life made her a notable figure recorded in the historical documents of the Ming and Qing dynasties.Research of Ming documents concerning Qing Liangyu shows that although the historical records of Qin Liangyu are somewhat fragmented and scant,her distinctive personality shines through.Overall,the documents acknowledge her exceptional achievements in campaigns such as“quelling rebellions,”“pacifying extravagance,”“suppressing bandits,”and“diligently supporting the king,”as well as her loyalty and dedication to the protection of the nation.This reflects society’s admiration for her talents and accomplishments and its approval of her character.However,the records also subtly criticize her and hint at her potential flaws,such as over-reliance on military power and possible arrogance,as well as favoritism towards her close associates,which could stain her image as a successful military figure and a loyal patriot,posing challenges for subsequent historical narratives and the portrayal of her as a hero.When it comes to the Qing documents,it is found that these documents increasingly tend to selectively record Qin Liangyu’s dedication to the nation,her efforts to protect the territory and pacify the people.These records emphasize her loyalty,while omitting or hiding descriptions that do not align with this image,ultimately solidifying her portrayal as a female hero who serves her husband and loves her people.Such narratives emphasize and promote the values of loyalty to the family and nation inherent in Chinese culture and encourage a lifestyle of protecting the nation and caring for the people.Thus,Qin Liangyu has become a representative figure in Chinese culture,respected and recognized by various ethnic groups.Her historical and cultural records show that codes and images of Chinese culture have been forged through a long history of accumulation and complex selection processes.These cultural codes and images have been continuously unearthed and recognized throughout history,helping to strengthen the sense of community for the Chinese nation among all ethnic groups in China.
作者 彭福荣 谭清宣 徐军妮 Peng Furong;Tan Qingxuan;Xu Junni(University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing,102488 China;Yangtze Normal University,408100,Chongqing,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 北大核心 2023年第11期9-19,158,共12页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金资助项目“中国边地土司国家认同研究”(20BMZ023)阶段性成果。
关键词 中华文化符号 中华民族形象 共有共享 秦良玉 symbol of Chinese culture image of Chinese nation sharing Qing Liangyu
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