

Study on Factors Influencing Media Consumption of International Women's Sporting Events from An Identity Perspective
摘要 当前媒体消费是体育产业和体育组织健康发展的主要驱动力与重要基础,对女子职业体育赛事的媒体消费状况及影响因素进行探讨。无论从学术研究还是从实践发展的角度来看,了解认同因素对国际女子职业体育赛事媒体消费的影响机理非常必要。研究收集了中国大学生2023年第9届女足世界杯媒体消费数据,并用偏最小二乘法进行分析。结果表明,中国大学生的国家认同、球队认同和男性气质能够通过观赛动机积极预测该届女足世界杯媒体消费,而女性气质则不具有相关性。不同社会历史背景下形成的消费者的认同会对国际女子职业体育赛事媒体消费产生不同影响,因而在国际女子职业体育赛事的推广发展中,应为不同地区、不同历史文化背景、不同认同水平的消费者制定更具针对性的营销策略,以促进女子职业体育的健康可持续发展。 Currently,media consumption serves as a primary driver and essential foundation for the healthy development of the sports industry and sports organizations.The paper deeply discusses the media consumption status and research concerning women's professional sports events.Whether viewed from an academic or practical standpoint,understanding the mechanisms through which identity factors influence media consumption of international women's professional sports events is crucial.We collected media consumption data from Chinese university students during the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup and analyzed it using partial least squares regression.The results indicate that national identity,team identity,and masculine traits positively predict media consumption during the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup for Chinese university students,while feminine traits show no correlation.The identities formed by consumers in different social and historical contexts will have varying impacts on media consumption of international women's professional sports events.Therefore,in the promotion and development of international women's professional sports events,it is important to tailor marketing strategies to consumers with different geographical,historical,or cultural backgrounds and identity levels,thereby fostering the healthy and sustainable development of women's professional sports.
作者 潘丽霞 刘少敏 庄识氐 陈烁宇 PAN Lixia;LIU Shaomin;ZHUANG Shidi;CHEN Shuoyu(Physical Education College,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China;The Affiliated School of Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin 541004,Guangxi,China;School of Foreign Languages,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China;Department of Kinesiology,University of Georgia,Athens GA 30605,USA)
出处 《西安体育学院学报》 北大核心 2024年第2期235-246,共12页 Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(19BTY049)。
关键词 国家认同 球队认同 性别认同 媒体消费 观赛动机 national identity team identity gender identity media consumption viewing motivation
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