

Four Dimensions of the Inheritance and Development of Chinese Wushu Culture from the Perspective of Xi Jinping's Cultural Thought
摘要 习近平文化思想是新时期党的理论创新,为中华文明的传承和发展指明了方向、提供了指南。中国武术文化的传承发展,在时代之维上,受到了百年未有之大变局、新一轮科技革命、新时期中国特色社会主义发展的影响;在价值之维上,发挥赓续中华文脉、展现民族风采,坚定文化自信、增强文化认同,践行核心价值、塑造民族精神,加强国际交流、塑造国家形象的职责与使命;在原则之维上,坚持党的领导、秉持人民至上、坚定自信自立的发展理念;在实践之维上,以强化政治引领、拓宽传播渠道、塑造文化品牌为路径选择。时代之维是武术文化传承的前提条件,价值之维明晰了文化传承的时代意义,原则之维明确了文化传承的内在遵循,三重维度的共同推动,促进了武术文化传承发展实践维度的进行,从而推动了中国武术文化的传承和展开。 Xi Jinping's cultural thought is a new theoretical innovation of the Party in the new era,which has pointed out the direction and provided a guide for the inheritance and development of Chinese civilization.In dimension of the times,the inheritance and development of Chinese Wushu culture is influenced by changes with a magnitude unseen in a century,a new wave of scientific and technological revolution,and the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era;in the dimension of value,it plays its role and mission of carrying on Chinese cultural tradition to show the national style,strengthening cultural confidence to enhance cultural identity,practicing core values to shape a Chinese ethos,and strengthening international exchanges to shape the national image;in the dimension of principles,it adheres to the development concept of upholding the leadership of the Party,adhering to people first and firming self-confidence and self-reliance;in the dimension of practice,it takes strengthening political guidance,broadening communication channels and shaping cultural brands as path choices.The dimension of the times is the prerequisite for the inheritance of Wushu culture,the dimension of value clarifies the era significance of cultural inheritance,the dimension of principles clarifies the internal adherence of cultural inheritance,and the three dimensions jointly promote the practice dimension of the inheritance and development of Wushu culture,so as to promote the inheritance and development of Chinese Wushu culture.
作者 杨可健 庚韦志 YANG Kejian;GENG Weizhi(Liaoning University of International Business and Economics,Dalian,Liaoning Province,116000 China)
出处 《当代体育科技》 2024年第17期107-111,共5页 Contemporary Sports Technology
关键词 习近平文化思想 武术文化 中华文化 维度 Xi Jinping'cultural thought Wushu culture Chinese culture Dimension
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