

Diversion of General Education and Vocational Education: Experience and Inspiration from Germany
摘要 新修订的《中华人民共和国职业教育法》中使用“职业教育与普通教育协调发展”替代了“普职分流”,引发了我国关于普职分流本身及分流时间和分流方式合理性的讨论。梳理德国第一次普职分流的历史进程、分流时间、分流方式发现,德国的普职分流综合考虑了学生成绩、教师推荐和家长意愿三方面。德国的普职分流是为了缓解竞争、社会托底以及保证市场对劳动力的需求,德国经验对探索我国普职分流方式、分流时间等均有借鉴意义。 The new Vocational Education Law replaces"diversion of general education and vocational education"with the words"coordinated development of vocational education and general education",which has triggered a discussion about the diversion itself,the time and the method of diversion in China.After reviewing the historical process of the first diversion in Germany,it has been found out that the diversion took into account three aspects:students'performance,teachers'recommendations,and parental preferences.The division of general education and vocational education in Germany is designed to alleviate competition,provide social support,and ensure the demand for labor in the market.Germany's experience is useful in exploring the methods,and timing of the division of general general education and vocational education in China.
作者 李怡璇 李进 LI Yi-xuan;LI Jin(Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200030;Scientific Research Division,Yueyang Vocational Technical College,Yueyang,Hunan 414000)
出处 《岳阳职业技术学院学报》 2024年第3期13-17,共5页 Journal of Yueyang Vocational and Technical College
基金 2023年度湖南省社会科学成果评审委员会一般自筹课题“技能形成与区域产教融合的耦合关联和路径选择研究”(XSP2023JYC076)。
关键词 普职分流 德国 《中华人民共和国职业教育法》 diversion of general education and vocational education Germany The Vocational Education Law of The People's Republic of China
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