

Mechanisms and Path for Lowering Logistics Cost in the Whole Society Driven by New Quality Productive Forces
摘要 新质生产力作为新时代的新动能,能够有效降低全社会物流成本。剖析新质生产力内涵和特征,探究新质生产力驱动全社会物流成本降低的机制与路径,具有重要意义。新质生产力强调技术创新、绿色可持续和智能化,符合高质量发展和数字经济时代生产力发展的要求,可解构为企业层面的数字化重构力、产业层面的协同进化力、社会层面的创新策源力。在新质生产力驱动全社会物流成本降低的过程中,数字化重构力是核心、协同进化力是基础、创新策源力是动能。其中,数字化重构力通过智能升级企业层面的物流活动,重塑企业生产运营模式,赋予企业新型生产要素、生产力和生产关系,引领企业物流从业务价值创造向多维度价值创造转变,有效降低企业层面的物流成本。协同进化力通过优化产业层面的物流链路,形成产业间技术渗透融合新特征、产业内分工协作新格局、平台化产业新生态,加快产业数智化进程、推动产业融合发展、助力产业绿色转型,有效降低产业层面的物流成本。创新策源力通过社会层面的物流结构优化、物流体系升级,打造高质量物流生态系统、创新物流商业模式、优化物流资源配置,推动社会物流全面降本。为有效降低全社会物流成本,应大力发展数字化重构力,鼓励企业加快数字物流建设。大力发展协同进化力,以物流业为核心推动现代产业协同发展。大力发展创新策源力,加快培育社会物流新优势。 As a new dynamic energy in the new era,new quality productive forces can effectively reduce the logistics cost of the whole society.It is of great significance to analyse the connotation and characteristics of new quality productive forces and explore the mechanism and path of new quality productive forces to reduce the logistics costs of the whole society.New quality productive forces emphasize technological innovation,green sustainability and intelligence,which is in line with the requirements of high-quality development and productivity development in the era of digital economy,and can be deconstructed as the digital reshaping power at the enterprise level,the collaborative evolution power at the industry level,and the innovation curative power at the social level.In the process of reducing logistics costs for the whole society driven by the new quality productive forces,the digital reshaping power is the core,the collaborative evolution power is the foundation,and the innovation curative power is the kinetic energy.Among them,digital reshaping power,through intelligent upgrading of logistics links at the enterprise level,reshapes the key links of the enterprise,endows the enterprise with new production elements,productivity,and production relations,leads the transformation of enterprise logistics from business value creation to multi-dimensional value creation,and effectively lowers the logistics cost at the enterprise level;the collaborative evolution power,through the optimization of the logistics chain at the industry level,forms a new feature of inter-industry technological penetration and integration,a new pattern of division of labour and collaboration,and the new ecology of platform industry,accelerate the process of industrial digital intelligence,promotes industrial integrated development,and facilitates industrial green transformation,thus effectively lowers the logistics costs at the industrial level;and the innovation curative power,through the optimization of logistic structure and the upgrading of logistic system at the social level,formulates logistic eco-system with high-quality,creates logistic business model,and optimizes logistic resources distribution,thus promote the reduction of logistics costs of the whole society.In order to effectively reduce the logistics costs of the whole society,we should,first,vigorously develop the digital reconstruction force and encourage enterprises to accelerate the construction of digital logistics;second,we should vigorously develop the synergistic evolution force,and promote the synergistic development of modern industries with the logistics industry as the core;and third,we should vigorously develop the innovation source force,and accelerate the cultivation of the new advantages of social logistics.
作者 汪旭晖 段怡杰 WANG Xu-hui;DUAN Yi-jie(School of Business Administration,Dongbei University of Finance and Economics,Dalian 116025,Liaoning,China)
出处 《中国流通经济》 北大核心 2024年第7期15-24,共10页 China Business and Market
基金 国家社会科学基金哲学社会科学领军人才项目“数字产业集群的形成机制与治理体系研究”(23VRC066) 2023年度辽宁省社会科学规划基金重大委托项目“‘五大安全’视域下辽宁现代化产业体系构建路径与政策选择研究”(L23ZD055)。
关键词 新质生产力 全社会物流成本 数字化重构力 协同进化力 创新策源力 new quality productive forces logistics costs of the whole society digital reshaping power collaborative evolutionary power innovation curative power
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