

Mechanism of Application of Contractual Variation in the Multiple Contract Arena--Commentary on Arti-cle 14,Paragraph 3,of the Interpretation of the General Part of the Contracts Book
摘要 《合同编通则解释》第14条第3款细化了多份合同场域下的合同变更规则,并赋予法官依职权查明合同是否发生变更的权力。但面对实践中复杂多样的合同变更纠纷,在多份合同均合法有效且存在内在关联时,此举无疑会加剧法官轻易推定合同发生整体性变更的“惯性”做法。应当认为,本条规定所指向的合同变更应恪守阐释性合同解释及合同的独立性,而不应滥行体系解释、合同漏洞填补等作业,同时多份合同中合同变更应主要是法律拟制,而不应不当适用合同变更推定规则。合同变更与否本质上系属意思表示解释的范畴,在无法探明当事人是否就合同变更的内容达成一致时,应推定合同未发生变更,这不仅契合合同禁止推定变更的规范意蕴,也更符合民事诉讼法的举证规则。 Paragraph 3 of Article 14 of the Interpretation of the General Principles of the Con-tract Code refines the rules of contractual modification in the field of multiple contracts and gives the judge the power to ascertain ex officio whether there is a modification of the contract.However,in the face of the complexity and variety of contractual change disputes in practice,in the multiple contracts are legal and valid and the existence of intrinsic connection,this will undoubtedly exacer-bate the"inertia"of the judge to easily presume that the contract has been changed in its entirety.It should be considered that the provisions of the contract should abide by the interpretation of the contract and contractual independence,and should not be abusive system of interpretation,contrac-tual loophole filling and other operations,at the same time,multiple contracts in the contract change should be mainly law,and should not be improperly applied to change the presumption of contract rules.The contract change or not essentially belongs to the meaning of the interpretation of the cat-egory,in can't find out whether the parties on the contract to change the content of the agreement,it should be presumed that the contract does not change,which not only fit the contract prohibits the presumption of change of the normative content,but also more in line with the rules of evidence of the civil litigation law.
作者 李亚超 李建伟 Li Yachao;Li Jianwei
出处 《新疆社会科学》 2024年第3期130-141,178,共13页 Social Sciences in Xinjiang
基金 阐释党的十九届四中全会精神国家社科基金重大项目“营商环境法治化的制度架构与实现研究”(20ZDA044)的阶段性成果。
关键词 合同变更 阐释性合同解释 推定规则 举证责任 Contractual Modification Expository Contract Interpretation Presumption Rule Burden of Proof
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