

Comparative Study and Enlightenment of Scientific and Technological Modernization between China and Japan
摘要 中国式现代化理论是党的二十大的一个重大理论创新,中国式现代化关键在于科技现代化。随着全球科技竞争日益白热化,比较研究中日科技现代化,有利于丰富和拓展中国式现代化理论的科技之维,有利于促进国与国之间博采众长、互学互鉴,有利于中国以全球视野谋划推动科技创新优化升级。在世界科技现代化的进程中,中日两国有着各自的发展轨迹,面对新的境遇挑战,又有着各自的应对理路。中日两国是后发外源型国家的成功典范,从引进吸收的外源型逐渐转为自主创新的内生型,显示了后发国家科技现代化的一般规律;各具特色的发展战略、实施路径和动力机制展示出后发国家科技现代化具体实现形式的多样性。比较分析中日科技现代化的发展轨迹与境遇理路、相似性与差异性,可以获得一些启示:我国应着力推进科技政策扎实落地,培育创新型科技人才,提高产、学、研融合发展效应,加强科研经费投入,健全科技评估体系建设,以科技现代化建设全力推进中国式现代化。 The theory of Chinese Modernization is a major theoretical innovation of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.The key to Chinese Modernization lies in the modernization of science and technology.With the increasingly fierce global science and technology competition,a comparative study of China and Japan’s science and technology modernization is conducive to enriching and expanding the science and technology dimension of Chinese Modernization theory,promoting countries to learn from each other,and promoting China’s global vision to promote the optimization and upgrading of scientific and technological innovation.In the process of the modernization of science and technology in the world,China and Japan have their own development trajectories.Facing new challenges and situations,they also have their own ways of coping with them.China and Japan are successful examples of latecomer and exogenous countries,gradually transitioning from an exogenous model of introduction and absorption to an endogenous model of independent innovation,demonstrating the general law of technological modernization in latecomer countries.Each unique development strategy,implementation path,and driving mechanism showcases the diversity of specific forms of scientific and technological modernization in developing countries.A comparative analysis of the development path and circumstances of scientific and technological modernization between China and Japan,as well as the similarities and differences,reveals that China should focus on promoting the solid implementation of scientific and technological policies,cultivate innovative scientific and technological talents,improve the development effect of industry university research integration,strengthen the investment in scientific research funds,improve the construction of scientific and technological evaluation system,and fully promote Chinese Modernization with the construction of science and technology modernization.
作者 祝黄河 章晴 ZHU Huang-he;ZHANG Qing(School of Marxism,Jiangxi Normal University,Nanchang 330022,China)
出处 《南昌大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第3期12-21,共10页 Journal of Nanchang University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“建党百年科学社会主义在中国发展的内在逻辑研究”(20AZD110) 江西师范大学研究生创新基金项目“中国特色社会主义现代化的理论溯源、历史进程和价值维度”(YC2021-B073)。
关键词 中日科技 科技现代化 比较研究 经验启示 China and Japan’s science and technology science and technology modernization comparative study experience revelation
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