

Measurement of Innovation in Service Firms Using LDA Theme Model——A Comparative Analysis with Traditional Innovation Measurement Methods
摘要 服务创新是新时代服务业高质量发展的重要内涵。以R&D投入、专利申请为代表的传统创新测度方法在衡量服务业企业创新时存在明显缺陷。使用隐含狄利克雷分配(LDA)主题模型对2008-2022年间914家服务业上市公司的创新水平进行了测度,并从企业整体、行业归属、区域分布、企业规模、企业所有制维度与传统创新测度方法对比分析。研究发现:相较于传统创新测度方法,LDA方法能够①同时反映服务业企业创新中的技术和非技术创新部分,更适用于测度非研发和非专利服务业企业;②更好捕捉教育,文化、体育和娱乐业等生活性服务业企业的创新特征和形式;③向上纠偏中西部地区服务业企业创新水平,向下纠偏东部地区服务业企业创新水平,还原东部和中西部地区服务业企业真实创新差距;④向上纠偏中小型服务业企业创新水平,向下纠偏大型服务业企业创新水平;⑤深入挖掘国有和非国有服务业企业在创新词频和主题上的差异,揭示非国有服务业企业创新水平较高的本质原因。基于此,从拓展服务创新内涵新认知、加快生活性服务业企业创新、营造良好创新生态、深化数字技术渗透以及发挥差异性优势五个方面提出政策建议,以期为加快服务业企业创新发展提供政策启示。 Service innovation is an important connotation of high-quality development of the service industry.The tradi⁃tional innovation indicators represented by R&D and patent have obvious defects in measuring the innovation of service en⁃terprises.Using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA)thematic model,this paper measures the innovation level of 914 Chi⁃nese listed companies in the service sector from 2008 to 2022 and compares the results with the traditional innovation indi⁃cators from the dimensions of full sample,industry classification,regional distribution,firm scale and firm ownership.The re⁃sults show that:The LDA method can①reflect both technical and non-technical innovation of the service enterprises,and is more suitable for measuring the innovation of non-R&D and non-patent service enterprises;②Better capture the character⁃istics of innovation in lifestyle service enterprises such as education,culture,sports and entertainment industries,and truly reflect their innovation capabilities;③Upward adjust the innovation level of service enterprises in the central and western regions,downward adjust it in the eastern region;④Upward adjust the innovation level of the small and medium-sized serv⁃ice enterprises and downward adjust it of the large service enterprises;⑤Explain the essential reasons for the higher innova⁃tion level of non-state-owned service enterprises through exploring the differences in terms of innovation frequency and themes between state-owned and non-state-owned service enterprises.Thus five policy recommendations are put forward as following-expanding the new cognition of the connotation of service innovation,accelerating the innovation of living service industry enterprises,creating a good innovation ecology,deepening the penetration of digital technology,and giving full play to the advantages of differentiation in services firms.
作者 冯晓华 顾金科 FENG Xiao-hua;GU Jin-ke(School of Business,Hubei University,Hubei Wuhan 430062,China;Research Center of Open Economy in Hubei,Wuhan 430062,China)
出处 《科学管理研究》 北大核心 2024年第3期76-88,共13页 Scientific Management Research
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目(编号:20BJL140)。
关键词 LDA主题模型 服务业企业 创新测度 分析师报告 文本分析 LDA theme model Service enterprises Innovation measurement Analyst research reports Text analysis
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