

Reconsideration of the Relationship between Civil Law Obligations and Rights in Rem:From the Perspective of the Propertization and Juxtaposition of Obligations
摘要 债物二分体例是民法自古典走向近现代之际所确立的财产法基础性结构,意涵丰富。长期以来受形式民法认识论视线遮蔽,学界过多地关注二者区分的特点,从而忽视现代民法债物二分是以债的财产化以及并立化作为前提的实质意义。仅仅立足债物区分视角,对债物二分体例所具有的实际机理和价值功能的理解难免偏颇。债的财产化以及由此而起的债物并立,是近代以后民法财产权制度的一次突变,是对于历史上此前以债的工具化为特点的物权中心体系的重要超越和创制,具有支持和保障当时出现的渐近发达的市场经济的重要意义。现代民法通过债的财产化、债物并立化,使债的交易形式的开放设计与物权类型的定限设计成为同等重要的对应设计,甚至逐渐重心偏移向前者,形成一种具有奇特双向作用的整体协同关系。一方面通过物权,从特定资源配置观的角度设定自身基本经济体制;另一方面,又通过债的设计,支持发达市场经济的运行需求,保障其中体现复杂性、多样性交易的现代经济关系的有效开展。立足这一角度的债物关系认识观,能够弥补限于区分论视角的重大缺漏。中国《民法典》的财产权体系,一方面继受了现代民法的债物二分,但另一方面又并不是简单地继受上述结构,而是在坚持中国社会主义市场经济目标理念下,从中国国情实际和时代性需求出发,在以债物结构为重点的基础上,做出了重要的创新和发展,展示出一种立足于中国特色政经体制、追求经济快速发展的财产权体系再现代化的模式趋势。 The dichotomy of obligations and rights in rem is a fundamental system of property law established by civil law from dassical to modern times,with rich connotations.For a long time,it has been obscured by the Perspective of formal civil law,which has led to excessive attention to the differentiation characteristics of the two,thus ignoring the essence of the so-called obligations and rights in rem separation in modern dvil law,which is based on the propertization and juxtaposition of obligations.Based solely on the perspective of distinguishing betwen obligations and rights in rem,the understanding of the actual mechanism and value fune tion of the binary system of oblig ations and rights is inevitably biased It should be noted that the propertization of obligations and the resulting coe xistence of obligations and rights in rem are a sudden change in the property rights system of civil law after modern times.It is an important transcendence and creation of the rights in rem center system characterized by the instrumentalization of obligations in history,and has important significance in supporting and safe guarding the marlket economy that has emerged simultaneously.Modern civil law,through the propertiation and juxtaposition of obligations,makes the design of the open design of obligations transaction forms and rights in rem types equally important corresponding designs,and even gradually shifts the focus to the former,forming a unique and tworway cooperative relationship between them.On the one hand,it sets up its own basic economic system from the Perspective of specific resource allocation views,and on the other hand,it strives support the operational needs of the market economy,ensuring the effective development of economic relationships that reflect the complexity and diversity of transactions.Based on this perspective,.the understanding of obligations and rights in rem relationship can make up for the significant gap in the understanding.limited to the Perspective of differentiation.The property right system of China's Civil Coder,on the one hand,inherits the obligation-Property dichotomy of modern civil law,but on the other hand,it does not simply inherit the obligation-property relationship st ructure mentioned above,but has made important innovations and developments based on the Socialist market economy objectives with Chinese characteristics,the actual conditions of the country and the needs of the times,and the debt structure,it shows a trend of modernization of property right system based on the political and economic system with Chinese characteristics.
作者 龙卫球 何傲翾 Long Weiqiu;He Aoxuan
出处 《交大法学》 北大核心 2024年第4期160-176,共17页 SJTU Law Review
关键词 债物二分 债的财产化 债物并立 财产权体系 再现代化 Obligations and Rights in Rem Dichotomy The Propertization of Obligations Obligations and Rights in Rem Coexist Property Rights System Re-Modernization
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