

Establishing Criteria,Specific Contents and Their Application for the Fundamental Principles of the Public Library Law
摘要 《公共图书馆法》是我国公共文化领域的基本性法律,自其出台以来,国内学者就《公共图书馆法》的基本原则产生了颇多见解,成果覆盖范围广泛,尽管理论资源丰富,但仍缺少系统化框架予以整合。文章认为,应根据宪法、理性人、法律实践三个确立标准,明确《公共图书馆法》所具有的导向性、平等性、强制性三个普遍性原则和公益性与无偿性、主导性与参与性、便民性与服务性、安全性与保障性、统筹性与协调性五个特殊性原则,从相关立法、司法实践与机构运行三方面,通过国家出台法律解释、地方颁布相关法规,完善裁判文书说理内容、建立良性法律责任体系,落实总分馆体系、推动多主体建设、倡导全群体阅读与推广特色化馆藏等举措,促进《公共图书馆法》基本原则的具体适用。 The Public Library Law is a fundamental law in the field of public culture in China.Since its introduction,domestic scholars have had many insights into the basic principles of the Public Library Law,and the results have covered a wide range.Despite the richness of theoretical resources,there is still a lack of a systematic framework for integration.According to the article,based on the three establishing criteria of the constitution,rational people and legal practice,we should clarify the three universal principles of orientation,equality and mandatory nature and the five special principles of public welfare and gratuitousness,dominance and participation,accessibility and serviceability,safety and security,and integration and coordination of the Public Library Law.And then,from the perspective of relevant legislation,judicial practice and institutional operation,we should promote the concrete application of the basic principles of the Public Library Law through the introduction of national legal interpretations,the promulgation of relevant local regulations,the improvement of the content of reasoning in adjudication documents,the establishment of a benign legal responsibility system,the implementation of the system of head offices and branch libraries,the promotion of multi-majority construction,the advocacy of reading for the whole group,and the promotion of the special collection and other initiatives.
作者 沈可锐 欧阳爱辉 Shen Kerui;Ouyang Aihui(School of Economics,Management and Law University of South China)
出处 《图书馆》 2024年第6期15-21,共7页 Library
关键词 《公共图书馆法》 基本原则 确立标准 适用 Public Library Law Fundamental principle Establishing standard Application
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