

Intersectionality and Integration:The Current State,Prospect and Trend of Ecofeminist Research
摘要 东南大学外国语学院韦清琦教授是国内知名的生态批评学者和生态翻译家。他长期从事生态批评、生态女性主义研究、国外生态文学作品翻译等工作,先后主持国家社会科学基金项目2项,在英国《比较文学研究》(Comparative Literature Studies)、美国《文学与环境跨学科研究》(ISLE)、《外国文学》、《外国文学研究》等国内外权威学术期刊上发表论文数十篇,已出版生态批评专著《绿袖子舞起来:对生态批评的阐发研究》(2010年)和《生态女性主义》(2019年)等,以及译著《走出去思考:入世、出世及生态批评的职责》(2010年)、《当她们羽翼尚存:聆听母亲的无言日志》(2021年)和《羚羊与秧鸡》(2021年)等数十部,曾获江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖、江苏省紫金山翻译奖和鲁迅文学奖翻译类提名,并入选“雅努斯翻译未来译者资助计划”。受《鄱阳湖学刊》编辑部委托,刘丹丹博士围绕当前生态女性主义研究的现状、前景与趋势,对韦清琦教授进行了访谈。现将访谈内容分享如下。 Professor Wei Qingqi is a well-known ecocritic scholar in China and currently teaches at the School of Foreign Languages,Southeast University.He has been engaged in environmental criticism,ecofeminist studies,gender studies,and literary translation for a long time,and has successively completed two national social science fund projects.He has published dozens of academic papers in authoritative domestic and foreign academic journals,and has published monographs on ecological criticism,such as Green-Clap Scholarship:An Interpretive Study of Ecocriticism(2010),Ecofeminism(2019),as well as dozens of translated works,including Going Away to Think(2010),When Women Were Birds(2021)and Oryx and Crake(2021).He has won the Excellent Achievement Award in Philosophy and Social Science of Jiangsu Province,Zijin Mountain Translation Award and the nomination for the Lu Xun Literature Prize in Translation.At the request of the editorial department of Poyang Lake Journal,Liu Dandan conducted an in-depth interview with Professor Wei Qingqi regarding the current status and the prospect of environmental humanities.In the interview,Professor Wei expects an outlook that ecocriticism will push us beyond the narrow and closed boundaries of humanities to think about our connections with the other-than-human realm.An environmental holism is the driving force for the sustainability of ecofeminism,and it is also the reasonable choice for social progressive movements that are determined to go onto a higher stage both at the theoretical and practical levels.Ecofeminism with a holistic critical approach will thereby play an even more active role in general literary and cultural studies.
作者 刘丹丹 韦清琦 Liu Dandan;Wei Qingqi
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2024年第3期77-86,157,158,共12页 Journal of Poyang Lake
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“当代美国女性环境书写的左翼思想研究”(编号:18BWW078) 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究项目“生态女性主义共同体构建:马瑞戴尔·勒苏尔小说研究”(编号:2020SJA0729) 博士科研启动金科研项目“生态女性主义视域下的马瑞戴尔·勒苏尔文学创作研究”(编号:2022BSKY05)。
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