校长作为学校的管理者 ,应以人为本 ,要善于运用“校长情感投入”来激励教职工的积极性。校长通过建立平等的、同志式的关系 ,与教职工既要“共事业” ,又要“交朋友” ,竭诚为教职工办实事 ,以身作则 ,为人师表 ,充分发挥自己的非权力影响的作用等方式来发挥“校长情感投入”
The headmaster as a manag er of a school should concern the people,and be skilled in utilizing feeling inv estment to stimulate their enthusiasm.He need set up a equal comrade relationshi p with the staffs,make friends and work with them and share their joys and thoub les.Besides,he should try his best to handle affairs and set a good example with his own conduct,so that he can give play to the manageing efficiency.
Journal of Jiangxi Institute of Education