

Professor WU Min’s clinical experience for treating children’s psychosis with insect drugs
摘要 儿童神志病包括儿童身心疾病,被认为是临床难治性疾病,中医学在神志病的治疗中具有显著的疗效及不可替代的作用。现代医学习惯将“神志病”称为“精神病”,主要受到遗传、环境、社会等因素的影响,但对于其发病机制及生化基础仍不明确,而抗精神病药物在不良反应及疗效等方面存在诸多不足,因此该类疾病一直是临床治疗的难题。吴敏教授认为生长发育异常或者内外环境被破坏是导致儿童神志病发病的根本原因。吴敏教授临证处方擅用虫类药物,现今诸多学者多取“虫类”之狭义为“昆虫类”,而其在古代泛指“动物”。该类药物具有平肝息风、祛风胜湿、清热凉血的特点。吴敏教授运用虫类药物攻补兼施、严谨配伍、专病专方,临床发现对于儿童抽动障碍、注意力缺陷多动障碍、癫痫、夜啼等常见神志病均有疗效。吴敏教授认为虫类药物虽可攻补兼施,但部分虫类药物尚攻伐太过,为免正气受损,处方用药时可酌加调补之品。初用虫类药物时应熟知现代药理,注意其不良反应及致敏性,特别是儿童脏腑娇嫩、抵抗力较差,虫类药单方种类及单品药量宜初次少用,并根据用药情况每次适量酌加。若严谨配伍、用之得当或可得到显著疗效,用之不当或可危及生命。吴师之虫药治病经验正所谓用药灵活、随证而变、中病即止。 Children’s mental disorders,including children’s physical and mental diseases,are considered to be clinically intractable diseases.Traditional chinese medicine has significant curative effect and irreplaceable role in the treatment of mental disorders.Modern medicine customarily calls mental disorders as psychosis,which is mainly affected by genetic,environmental,social and other factors,but its pathogenesis is still unclear.Antipsychotics have side effects,and there are also many deficiencies in the efficacy,so this kind of disease has been a difficult problem in clinical treatment.Professor WU Min believes that abnormal growth or damage to the internal and external environment are the fundamental causes of mental disorder in children.Professor WU Min specializes in using insect drugs in clinical prescriptions.Nowadays,many scholars narrow the term Chong(虫)to insects,while in ancient times it generally referred to animal.These drugs have the characteristics of calming liver and wind,eliminating wind and dampness,clearing heat and cooling blood.Professor WU Min found that it has curative effect on children with tic disorder,attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,epilepsy,nocturnal crying and other common mental disorders.Professor WU Min believes that insect drugs are suitable for attack and defense,but some insect drugs are too aggressive.In order to prevent the damage of healthy Qi(气),tonic drugs can be added.When using insect drugs for the first time,we should be familiar with modern pharmacology and pay attention to its side effects and allergy.Children’s viscera are delicate and have poor resistance.The type and dosage of insect drugs should be used less for the first time,and adjusted appropriately each time according to the medication situation.If the drug is used properly,significant curative effect may be obtained.On the contrary,it may be life-threatening.Professor WU used insect medicine to treat diseases flexibly,changed according to the syndrome,and achieved good curative effect.
出处 《中医临床研究》 2024年第14期87-90,共4页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 2022年上海市名老中医药专家学术经验研究工作室建设项目(SHGZS-202217) 上海市第七批全国老中医药专家学术经验继承项目(国中医药人教函〔2022〕76号) 宝山区重点专科项目(BSZK-2023-BZ09) 上海市卫健委、上海市中医药管理局项目:2023年吴敏上海市名中医工作室基层工作站(JCGZZ-2023079)。
关键词 神志病 虫类药 儿科 Psychosis Insect drugs Pediatrics
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