

Evaluation Model Construction of Influencing Factors Improving the Ability of Scientific and Technological Innovation of Forestry and Grass Research Institutes
摘要 为进一步探讨林草类科研院所科技创新能力影响因素并厘清它们之间的联系,在梳理2006至2023年中国知网数据库的72篇核心文献的基础上,通过现场调研和专家咨询,建立林草类科研院所科技创新能力提升影响因素识别与评价体系,同时结合决策实验室法(DEMATEL)和对抗解释结构模型(AISM)明确各因素间的相互影响和层次关系,识别出影响林草类科研院所科技创新能力的根本因素、中间因素和结果因素。结果表明:影响林草类科研院所科技创新能力的12项核心因素包括科技观念不强、创新文化建设不足、技术推广不足、科技成果转化不足、创新环境不佳、科技创新投入不足、人才流失严重、缺乏优秀领军人才、缺乏协同创新机制、评价体系不完善、科技创新发展受限和科技创新周期长、风险大,其中创新环境不佳、人才流失严重和评价体系不完善是根本原因,可从改善科技观念不强、科技创新投入不足、缺乏优秀领军人才等因素着手促进科技创新能力提升。基于研究结论,提出要从创新观念、创新条件、创新人才和创新评价体系等4个关键点着手,全面提升林草类科研院所科技创新能力。 Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,innovation has become an important concept and direction for national development.Scientific research institutes are the source of original innovation,while forestry and grassland research institutes are the core and main battlefield of technological innovation in the field of forestry and grassland,shouldering the mission and responsibility of achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance.To further explore the influencing factors of scientific and technological innovation capability in forestry and grassland research institutes and clarify the connections between them,this paper establishes an identification and evaluation system for influencing factors of scientific and technological innovation capability improvement of forestry and grassland research institutes based on a review of 72 core articles from the CNKI database from 2006 to 2023,combined with on-site research and expert consultation.To avoid the interference of expert opinion,the paper combines qualitative and quantitative analysis,using the decision making trial and evaluation laboratory(DEMATEL)method and the adversarial interpretive structure modeling(AISM)to clarify the mutual influence and hierarchical relationship among various factors,the fundamental,intermediate,and outcome factors that affect the scientific and technological innovation capability of forestry and grassland research institutes are identified.The results show that the 12 core factors hindering the innovation capability of forestry and grassland research institutes,presented in the following aspects:poor sense of science and technology,deficiency of innovative culture construction,inadequacy of technology promotion,lack of transformation of scientific and technological achievements,poor innovation environment,insufficient investment in scientific and technological innovation,serious brain drain,lack of outstanding leaders,lack of collaborative innovation mechanism,imperfect evaluation system,limited development of scientific and technological innovation,and high risk of scientific and technological innovation.Among them,the poor innovation environment,serious brain drain,and imperfect evaluation system are the root causes.The scientific and technological innovation capability of forestry and grassland research institutes can be improved by addressing factors such as poor sense of science and technology,insufficient investment in scientific and technological innovation,and lack of outstanding leaders.Based on the research findings,it is proposed to comprehensively enhance the scientific and technological innovation capability of forestry and grassland research institutes from four key points in terms of innovation:concepts,conditions,talents,and evaluation system.
作者 胡博 李永亮 秦朋遥 张卓立 吴凡 贾云乾 王文泉 Hu Bo;Li Yongliang;Qin Pengyao;Zhang Zhuoli;Wu Fan;Jia Yunqian;Wang Wenquan(Institute of Forest Resource Information Techniques,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China)
出处 《科技管理研究》 2024年第10期57-65,共9页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目“资源所综合档案信息宣介展示平台研建”(CAFYBB2022SY032)。
关键词 科技创新 创新能力评价 影响因素评价体系 决策实验室法(DEMATEL) 对抗解释结构模型(AISM) 林草类科研院所 scientific and technological innovation evaluation of innovation capability evaluation system of influencing factors DEMATEL AISM forestry and grassland research institutes
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