

A Study of the Mechanism of Tourism Promoting Communication,Exchange and Fusion among All the Ethnic Groups from the Perspective of Tourists
摘要 旅游提供了各民族接触、了解、互动的场域,但其如何促进“三交”的内在机理还未明确。基于认知-情感-意动理论,从游客视角探索旅游促进“三交”的机理,发现:游客旅游体验、旅游满意度、旅游认同、“三交”行为具象共同构成了旅游促进“三交”的机制模型,其中,旅游满意度、旅游认同(中华民族共同体认同、地方认同)在这其中起链式中介作用。旅游促进“三交”中要平衡营利性与公益性、融合性的关系,协调求异性与共同性、统一性的关系,统筹推进体验性与互嵌性。基于游客视角,可以从拓展旅游时空、提升游客体验、强化国家感知等方面来铸牢中华民族共同体意识。 Tourism provides a field for various ethnic groups to encounter,understand and interact with each other,but the intrinsic mechanism by which it fosters“communication,exchange and fusion”as three interactions remains unclear.Drawing on the cognitive-emotional-conative theory,this study investigates how tourism promotes these“three interactions”from the tourist's perspective.It reveals that the tourist experience,satisfaction and identity as well as the behavioral manifestation of the“three interactions”collectively form the model that drives this mechanism,among which tourist satisfaction and sense of identity(including both the identity of the community of the Chinese nation and the local identity)act as a chain-like mediating factor.To promote the“three interactions”through tourism,it is essential to strike a balance between profitability and public welfare and integration,and to integrate the pursuit of diversity with commonality and unity,while simultaneously promoting both experiential and integrative aspects.From the tourist's viewpoint,it is necessary to enhance the consciousness of the community of the Chinese nation from such aspects as the expansion of the temporo-spatial boundaries of tourism,the promotion of the tourist experience,and the enhancement of the national perception.
作者 李俊清 李泽锋 LI Junqing;LI Zefeng(Institute of National Security,Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081,China;School of Management,Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期65-79,共15页 Journal of Yunnan Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“全面提高边疆民族地区公共安全保障能力研究”(21ZDA116)阶段成果。
关键词 铸牢中华民族共同体意识 各民族交往交流交融 游客体验 旅游认同 enhancement of the consciousness of the community of the Chinese nation communication,exchange and fusion among all the ethnic groups tourist experience tourist identity
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