

The dialectical logic and practical path of new qualitative productivity
摘要 新质生产力的内核是人类根据自身需要由利用、改造自然转向利用和改造科技,通过关键核心技术和重大颠覆性技术更加快速、高效地实现社会生产力的整体跃升,其本质是对科学技术是第一生产力理论的生动实践。科学技术是先进生产力的集中体现和主要标志,其在生产力诸要素中具有贯穿效应。新质生产力以“新”为出发点,以“质”为落脚点,目的是实现社会生产力的跃迁,遵循唯物辩证法的基本原理:以打破惯例的“新”诠释人类改造自然与变革自身的对立统一规律,以提质增效的“质”诠释效能彰显与颠覆突破的质量互变规律,以生产力的“跃迁”诠释传统概念与现代语境的否定之否定规律。因此,在实现路径上必须坚持以“新”为先,先立后破,重构发展要素提升社会生产动能;坚持以“质”为要,蓄势赋能,明确发展重点助力产业转型升级;坚持以“跃”为本,革故鼎新,顺应发展趋势,增强自主创新能力。 Summary:The core of new productive forces is the shift of human beings from utilizing and transforming nature to utilizing and transforming technology according to their own needs.Through key core technologies and major disruptive technologies,the overall leap of social productive forces can be achieved more quickly and efficiently.Its essence is a vivid practice of the theory that science and technology are the first life productive forces.Science and technology are the concentrated embodiment and main symbol of advanced productive forces,and they have a penetrating effect in various elements of productive forces.Different from traditional productive forces that seek development at the cost of resource consumption and environmental damage,new quality productive forces are driven by technological innovation,led by high-tech and emerging industries,to stimulate human understanding of nature and transform nature into new skills.They are a new driving force for promoting high-quality economic development,characterized by innovation,key to quality,and essentially advanced productive forces.As a result of the leap of productive forces,new quality productive forces are both unified and different from traditional productive forces.New quality productive forces can grasp the technological connotation of productive forces,reflect the grasp of technological progress,and are advanced productive forces in line with the new development concept.The new productive forces take technological innovation as the starting point and high-quality development as the foothold,with the aim of achieving the improvement of social productivity.They follow the basic principle of dialectical materialism,interpreting the law of the unity of opposites between human transformation of nature and self transformation with a“new”approach that breaks conventions.The“new”of new productive forces refers to the productive forces that can not be understood in the traditional sense,but are generated by the creative development and innovative breakthroughs of key core technologies and disruptive high-tech.They are productive forces with new technologies and new qualities as their main connotations.At the same time,the concept of new quality productive forces is also a major theoretical achievement of China’s modernization and sinicization of Marxist productive forces theory in the context of high-quality development,interpreting the law of mutual transformation between improving efficiency and subverting breakthroughs with the“quality”of high-quality development.The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has determined that high-quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country.High quality development is expected to be guided by new productivity theories,and new quality productivity has already demonstrated as strong driving and supporting forces for high-quality development in practice.This requires us to make a summary from a theoretical perspective so as to guide new development practices.Unlike traditional productive forces that rely on the accumulation of quantity as the basis for development,new quality productive forces place more emphasis on improving the quality of productivity.In the process of transforming from traditional productive forces to new qualitative productive forces,various elements of productive forces have undergone qualitative changes under the joint action of new technologies,models,and technologies.The negation law of traditional concepts and modern contexts are interpreted through the leap of productivity.Under the guidance of technological innovation,new productive forces are interrelated with strategic emerging industries,key core industries,and future digital industries.The goal of development is industrial transformation and upgrading,and the goal is to achieve a qualitative leap in productive forces.In the context of high-quality development and the transformation of old and new driving forces,grasping the three laws of dialectical materialism is of great significance for understanding the formation of new productive forces and promoting their transformation and development.Therefore,in the implementation path,it is necessary to focus on“technological innovation”,first establish and then break through,reconstruct development factors,and enhance social production momentum.We need to handle the relationship among the various elements of new productive forces,solve structural contradictions in development,adopt a new national system,gather the joint efforts of the government,society,and enterprises,and promote further integration of policies,achievements,and benefits;we need to adhere to the key of“improving quality”,accumulate momentum and empower,clarify development priorities to help industrial transformation and upgrading to handle the relationship between productivity and production relations well,form a new type of production relations that adapt to the development requirements of new quality productivity,give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation,accelerate the formation of a mature domestic unified large market and a perfect modern industrial system;we need to adhere to the fundamental principle of“leapfrogging”,reform the old,adapt to development trends,and enhance independent innovation capabilities.We should properly handle the relationship between the new quality productivity and the traditional productivity,comprehensively promote the development of both,and timely apply scientific and technological innovation achievements to specific industries and industrial chains.We should not only make good use of global innovation resources,but also vigorously promote scientific and technological self-reliance and build a modern industrial system with integrity,progressiveness and security.On the new journey of Chinese path to modernization,it is of great significance to accurately grasp the scientific connotation of new quality productivity,clarify its internal dialectical logic,and promote the formation and transformation of new quality productivity with scientific and technological innovation for China to seize the initiative of development and accumulate new momentum of development.
作者 贾强 徐正 JIA Qiang;XU Zheng(College of Marxism,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266590,China)
出处 《重庆理工大学学报(社会科学)》 2024年第6期26-36,共11页 Journal of Chongqing University of Technology(Social Science)
基金 国家社会科学基金高校思想政治理论课研究专项“‘自然辩证法’课教学研一体化建设研究”(23VSZ065)。
关键词 社会生产力 新质生产力 创新驱动 高质量发展 辩证逻辑 实践路径 social productive forces new quality productive forces innovation driven high quality development dialectical logic practical path
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