

Dilemma and Countermeasures of Investigating and Resolving Contradictions and Disputes in Public Security Organs
摘要 中国特色社会主义进入新时代,我国社会的主要矛盾发生根本性变化。经济迅速发展,产业结构不断调整,各种利益关系不断打破,在利益多元化的社会环境下,各种矛盾愈发突出,且呈现多元化、复杂化等特点。面对新时期社会矛盾的新情况、新特点,公安机关排查化解社会矛盾纠纷的任务日益繁重,但由于基层配备警力不足、民警依法行政及为民服务的能力不强、矛盾纠纷排查化解运行机制落实不到位等现实困境的存在,导致公安机关在排查化解矛盾纠纷的过程中疲于应对,排查化解工作效率较低,引发群众诸多不满,严重影响公安机关的威信。为此,公安机关应当注重事前管控,强化摸排预警,从源头上“治未病”;与相关职能部门厘清职责范围,做到各司其职;建立联动联调机制,提高调处最大效能;加强宣传教育,培树群众法治意识,增强公安机关矛盾纠纷排查化解实效,切实维护社会和谐稳定,不断增强人民群众获得感、幸福感、安全感。 As socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,the fundamental contradictions in our society have undergone significant changes.With the rapid development of the economy,the continuous adjustment of the industrial structure,and the continuous breaking of various interest relations,various contradictions have become more prominent,and are characterized by diversification and complexity in the social environment of diversified interests.Facing the new situation and new characteristics of social contradictions in the new period,the task of investigating and resolving social contradictions and disputes has become increasingly onerous for the public security organs.However,due to the insufficient police force at the grassroots level,the weak ability of the police to administer according to law and serve the people,and the inadequate implementation of the operational mechanism for the investigation and resolution of conflicts and disputes,the public security organs are exhausted in the process of the investigation and resolution of conflicts and disputes,and the low efficiency of the investigation and resolution of work has caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the masses,and seriously affected the prestige of the public security organs.Therefore,public security authorities should focus on pre-emptive control,strengthen investigation and early warning capabilities to address potential issues at their source.They should also clarify responsibilities with relevant departments to ensure proper division,establish a coordinated mechanism,and enhance the efficiency of conflict resolution.In addition,we will strengthen publicity and education,cultivate people's awareness of the rule of law,make public security organs more effective in resolving conflicts and disputes,effectively maintain social harmony and stability,and constantly enhance people's sense of gain,happiness,and security.
作者 王晶晶 WANG Jingjing(Security Management Department,Liaoning Police College,Dalian Liaoning 116036,China)
出处 《辽宁警察学院学报》 2024年第4期73-77,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Police College
基金 2024年度辽宁省经济社会发展研究课题“提升辽宁基层社会矛盾化解能力路径研究”(2024lslybkt-047)。
关键词 公安机关 矛盾纠纷 化解矛盾 困境 public security organs contradictions and disputes resolve contradictions dilemma
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