

Xi Jinping’s Statements on Education:A Theoretical Synthesis of Educational Development in the New Era
摘要 习近平总书记教育重要论述是一个实践命题,也是一个理论命题,是对中国特色社会主义教育实践经验的理论升华,也是新时代中国教育事业改革创新的根本遵循。习近平总书记教育重要论述立足于马克思主义人的全面发展学说这一理论基石,运用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的科学方法论,蕴含着中国教育发展的特殊经验,阐明了新时代教育理论的丰富内涵和精神实质,有着鲜明的理论属性。其中,“九个坚持”深刻揭示中国特色社会主义教育事业发展的规律,奠定了当代中国马克思主义教育理论的内核。习近平总书记教育重要论述,孕育于中国共产党领导教育的百年经验,立足于从教育大国迈向教育强国的历史新方位,发展于新时代教育强国建设的新征程,包含着一系列变革性实践要求。“坚持中国特色社会主义教育发展道路”,是对中华人民共和国成立以来教育事业和教育理论发展的统领性概括,是对中国教育改革创新提出的总要求。习近平总书记教育重要论述,在中国特色社会主义教育发展道路的实践中不断丰富理论内涵、彰显真理力量、扩展思想视域,是中国化时代化的马克思主义在教育领域的理论创造,代表着中国特色社会主义教育理论的新高度。 Xi Jinping's series statements on education are a theoretical proposition rooted in practical experience,serving as a fundamental guideline for educational reform and innovation in China in the new era.It is a theoretical crystallization of the development of socialist education with Chinese characteristics,underpinned by the Marxist theory of human development and employing dialectical and historical materialism.Integrating China's unique educational experience,it elucidates the rich connotations and philosophical essence of education theory for the new era.Central to these statements are the “Nine Insistences,” which profoundly reveal the laws governing the development of socialist education with Chinese characteristics,forming the core of contemporary Chinese Marxist educational theory.Nurtured by the century-long experience of the Communist Party of China in leading education and anchored in the transition from a major to a leading educational nation,these statements outline transformative practical requirements for building a strong country in education in the new era.“Adhering to the path of socialist education with Chinese characteristics” is an overarching principle synthesizing educational and theoretical development since the founding of the People's Republic of China,providing overarching guidance for China's educational reforms.Xi Jinping's statements continuously enrich theoretical connotations,manifest the power of truth,and expand ideological perspectives.They represent a significant advancement in the application of Marxist theory to education within the contemporary Chinese context,marking a new pinnacle in the educational theory aligned with socialism with Chinese characteristics.
作者 李鹏 LI Peng(School of Literature and Media,Wenzhou University of Technology,Wenzhou,Zhejiang 325055,China)
出处 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第4期17-22,共6页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大委托项目“习近平总书记教育重要论述研究”(21JZDW001)。
关键词 习近平总书记教育重要论述 中国特色社会主义教育 教育强国 教育实践 教育规律 development of socialist education with Chinese characteristics a strong country in education education practice the laws governing the development of education
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