

The practical obstruction,experience enlightenment and countermeasures of foreign trade enterprises from international circulation to domestic circulation as the mainstay
摘要 加快内外贸一体化发展是构建新发展格局、推动高质量发展的内在要求。为此,基于自身发展与外部环境,外贸企业亟须由外循环为主转向内循环为主,实现内外贸融合发展。当前,由于客场全球化的全球价值链参与模式、国内市场的隐形分割、内外贸管理体制的差异导致外贸企业转型面临一系列现实梗阻。为此,一方面从外贸企业内在动力出发,以双循环标杆企业“苏美达股份有限公司”为例,重点剖析、梳理并总结其从外循环转内循环的阶段性事实演变、成功做法与经验启示,为其他外贸企业转型提供借鉴;另一方面,从政策外在推力角度出发,提出了紧抓内外贸一体化的政策契机、促进规则与标准统一,加快建设统一大市场、降低国内市场的隐形壁垒,充分发挥开放平台的作用、打造内外贸融合发展的制度高地,多措并举系统施策、强化金融财税等各项政策支持力度的对策建议。 Accelerating the integration of domestic and foreign trade development is an inherent requirement for building a new development pattern and promoting high-quality development.Therefore,based on their own development and international environment,foreign trade enterprises urgently need to shift from international circulation to domestic circulation,and achieve integrated development of domestic and foreign trade.At present,due to the participation model of global value chain,the invisible segmentation of domestic market and the differences of domestic and foreign trade management systems,foreign trade enterprises are facing a series of practical obstruction.Therefore,on the one hand,starting from the internal driving force of foreign trade enterprises,this paper takes the“SUMEC Co.,LTD.”,a dual circulation benchmark enterprise as an example to analyze,review and summarize the gradual evolution of the facts,successful practices and experience enlightenment of its transformation from international circulation to domestic circulation,so as to provide reference for the transformation of other foreign trade enterprises;On the other hand,from the perspective of external policy impetus,this paper proposes some suggestions such as seizing policy opportunities for the integration of domestic and foreign trade,promoting the unification of rules and standards,accelerating the construction of a unified large market,reducing the invisible barriers of the domestic market,making full use of the role of open platforms,creating an institutional model for the integration of domestic and foreign trade development,taking multiple measures to implement systematically,and strengthening policy support in finance and taxation.
作者 胡蕾 巫强 HU Lei;WU Qiang(Rural Revitalization Teaching and Research Department,Party School of Anhui Provincial Committee of CPC(Anhui Academy of Governance),Hefei,Anhui 230022;Yangtze River Delta Economics and Social Development Research Center,Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210093;Research Institute of Digital Economy,Nanjing University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210093)
出处 《价格月刊》 北大核心 2024年第6期64-73,共10页
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“数字经济发展与长三角区域高质量一体化发展研究”(编号:22JJD790037) 国家社科基金重大项目“新型举国体制下科技创新要素的优化配置研究”(编号:23&ZD133) 中共安徽省委党校(安徽行政学院)创新工程科研项目“党的二十大精神研究”(编号:CXGCZD202201)。
关键词 外贸企业 外循环 内循环 现实梗阻 市场 创新 foreign trade enterprises international circulation domestic circulation practical obstruction market innovation
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