
产学研融合对制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破绩效的影响——政府与市场双元制度情境的调节作用 被引量:1

The Impacts of Industry-University-Research Integration on Key Technology Breakthrough Performances of Leading Manufacturing Enterprises:The Moderating Effect of Government-Market Dual Institutional Environment
摘要 在我国制造业关键核心技术被“卡脖子”的形势下,产学研融合成为制造业领军企业实现关键核心技术突破的普遍选择。立足国家战略需求,聚焦制造业领军企业这一技术创新关键主体,基于中国独特的政府与市场双元驱动制度情境,利用制造企业500强名单中A股上市企业数据,实证检验产学研融合程度对制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破绩效的影响,以及政府与市场双元驱动制度情境的调节作用。结果表明:第一,产学研融合广度与深度均对制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破绩效具有显著正向影响;第二,政府支持与市场化程度可强化产学研融合广度对制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破绩效的正向影响;第三,政府支持与市场化程度可强化产学研融合深度对制造业领军企业关键核心技术突破绩效的正向影响。结论可丰富产学研融合与关键核心技术突破相关研究,对中国制造业领军企业借助产学研深度融合突破关键核心技术具有一定的实践指导价值。 The Chinese manufacturing industry has grown bigger but not stronger,with key technologies still under external control.The government has stressed that Industry-university-research(IUR)deep integration is the correct path to break through key technologies.The leading Chinese manufacturing enterprises have increasingly embraced varying degrees of IUR integration as the preferred pathway to achieve key technology breakthroughs,but existing research fails to answer how Chinese leading manufacturing enterprises could break through key technology bottlenecks that have been controlled by others for a long time through IUR integration.First,there are no unified definitions about IUR integration and key technology breakthroughs,and scientific and reasonable quantitative measurement indicators are missing in the present research.Second,through implementing IUR deep integration,leading manufacturing enterprises can leverage the synergistic strengths of various innovation entities,which could facilitate the effective integration of diverse innovation elements and innovation entities across the entire innovation and industrial chains to break through key technology bottlenecks.However,existing literature examining the interplay between IUR integration and key technology breakthroughs remains primarily within the realm of qualitative theoretical exploration at the early stage,thus warranting an urgent need for further quantitative empirical analyses and validations.Third,existing research has not allocated adequate attention to the contextual conditions that underlie the influence of IUR integration on key technology breakthroughs and has not simultaneously considered the contextual factors of China's unique dual-driven system of government and market forces in the new era in the existing theoretical framework.Thus,this paper raises the following research questions:To what extent and under what conditions does the degree of IUR integration affect the key technology breakthrough performances of leading manufacturing enterprises?With a focus on the key subject of technological innovation,namely the leading manufacturing enterprises,this study takes root in China's unique dual-driven institutional environment of government and market,and uses the unbalanced panel data between 2011 and 2018 of 222 A-share listed enterprises in the"2020 Chinese Top 500 Manufacturing Enterprises list"to empirically test the impact of IUR integration on key technology breakthrough performances of leading manufacturing enterprises,and the moderating effect of external institutional situations where the government and the market interact.The results show that,firstly,both IUR integration breadth and depth show significantly positive impacts on key technology breakthrough performances of leading manufacturing enterprises;secondly,both government supports and marketization levels have strengthened the positive impacts of IUR integration breadth on key technology breakthrough performances;thirdly,both government supports and marketization level have strengthened the positive impacts of IUR integration depth on key technology breakthrough performances.This study expands relevant research in two ways.On the one hand,it contributes to existing research on IUR integration.Previous research on IUR integration was limited to collaborative innovation levels,patent agency variables,and redundant qualitative analyses.In contrast,this study provides a clear definition of IUR integration,establishes rigorous quantitative measures for assessing IUR integration,and empirically tests the impact of IUR integration on key technology breakthrough performances.On the other hand,it enriches research on key technology breakthrough.Unlike existing literature,this study clearly defines the theoretical concept of key technology breakthrough and creatively constructs objective and feasible quantitative measurement indicators,solving the problems of difficulties in accurately quantifying key technology breakthrough.Furthermore,this study uses a quantitative research method to examine the differential impacts of IUR integration degree on key technology breakthrough performances,making up for the lack of quantitative analyses on the factors influencing key technology breakthrough.Additionally,it theoretically and empirically integrates the dual drive of strong government and large market into the existing research framework of key-core technology breakthrough,making up for the lack of previous research on exploring the situational conditions for improving key-core technology breakthrough performance.Last but not least,this study emphasizes the practical significance of broad and deep IUR integration on key technology breakthroughs of leading manufacturing enterprises,providing practical guidance for Chinese leading manufacturing enterprises to break through key technologies.
作者 张羽飞 刘培琪 原长弘 Zhang Yufei;Liu Peiqi;Yuan Changhong(School of Business Administration,Hebei University of Economic and Business,Shijiazhuang 050061,China;School of Management,Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an 710049,China)
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第13期33-44,共12页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(2023CGL007)。
关键词 产学研融合 关键核心技术突破 制造业领军企业 政府支持 市场化程度 Industry-university-research Integration Key Technology Breakthrough Leading Manufacturing Enterprises Government Support Marketization Level
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