

The Official Appointment Network of the Imperial Household Department Officials during the Jiaqing,Daoguang and Xianfeng Eras of the Qing Dynasty
摘要 作为掌控有清一代经济命脉的重要职位,三织造及部分盐政和榷关监督等,主要由内务府包衣担任。学界以往对清代内务府包衣外任职官的考察大多聚焦于康雍乾时期,主流判断是嘉道以后包衣人与皇帝的关系渐疏,其权势也被削弱。通过系统梳理嘉庆、道光、咸丰三朝的三织造、长芦盐政、两淮盐政、粤海关监督、淮安关监督和热河正副总管等授官情况,以及这些职位的官员人数、身份、任职年限和前后任官等,可以得出与传统认识不同的结论:嘉道咸三朝内务府包衣外任制度的完善和规范,尽管在一定程度上限制了内务府的权力,但在客观上也为其提供了制度化、常态化的权力保障。较之康雍乾三朝,嘉道咸时期的内务府包衣个人或家族的权力虽有所弱化,但包衣人任职时长更短,流动速度更快,任职人数更多,这意味着进入权力圈层的包衣人员数量的增加,由此形成了诸多规模虽不及前朝,但数量更多、关系更为复杂的网络圈层,这是内务府包衣权力的流动、扩张与代际传递的制度化、常态化的具体体现。 The imprtant positions of San Zhizao(织造),the Salt Administration(盐政),and Customs Supervision(税关监督),which controlled the economic lifeline of the Qing Dynasty,were mainly held by bannermen from the Imperial Household Department(内务府).Previous academic research on the external appointments of these bannermen officials has mostly focused on the Kangxi,Yongzheng and Qianlong eras,with the mainstream view being that the relationship between the bannermen and the emperor weakened af⁃ter the Jiaqing era,leading to a decline in their influence.However,asystematic review of the appointment situations for Three Zhizao,Changlu Salt Administration(长芦盐政),Lianghuai Salt Administration(两淮盐政),Yuehai Custom Supervision(粤海关),Huai’an Custom Supervision(淮安关)and the chief and deputy Rehe Zongguan(热河正副总管)during the Jiaqing,Daoguang and Xianfeng reigns,as well as the number of officials,their identities,tenure and successive appointments,leads to a conclusion that differs from traditional understanding:The perfection and standardization of the external appointment system for the bannermen of the Imperial Household Department during the Jiaqing,Daoguang and Xianfeng eras,while limiting the power of the Imperial Household Department to some extent,objectively also provided a systematic and normalized safeguard for their power.Compared to the Kangxi,Yongzheng and Qianlong eras,the rights of individual bannermen or families within the Imperial Household Department may have weakened during the Jiaqing,Daoguang and Xianfeng eras,but the tenure of bannermen was shorter,the turnover of officials was faster and the number of appointees was more.This implies an increase in the num⁃ber of people entering the power echelons,forming many networks that,although not as large in scale as in previous dynasties,were more numerous and complexly intertwined.These networks became the systematic and normalized embodiment of the flow,expansion and intergenerational transmission of power among the bannermen of the Imperial Household Department.
作者 邱源媛 QIU Yuanyuan(Institute of Ancient History,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100101,China)
出处 《吉林师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2024年第4期1-12,共12页 Journal Of Jilin Normal University:Humanities & Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目(22&ZD224) 中国社会科学院学科建设“登峰战略”资助(DF2023ZD16) 中国社会科学院创新项目(2020GDSSB02)。
关键词 八旗 内务府 织造 盐政 榷关 Eight Banner Imperial Household Department Zhizao Salt Administration Customs Su⁃pervision
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