

Speeding Up the Development and Opening Up of Border Areas in China
摘要 把地级行政区即抵边地州市盟作为基本单元来界定沿边地区更为合理。我国沿边地区地形地貌以高原山地为主,对外开放起步较晚,经济社会发展水平相对较低,属于典型的欠发达地区,也是少数民族的集中分布区域。当前,我国沿边地区发展面临人口人才流失形势严峻、基础设施条件和营商环境不佳、经济发展与生态保护矛盾突出等问题瓶颈。与此同时,国内外形势发生的新变化新趋势,对于加快我国沿边地区开发开放来说,既有机遇,也有挑战。新形势下加快我国沿边地区开发开放,应以地级行政区为基本单元,以沿边中心城市为依托,规划建设沿边经济带,全面融入构建新发展格局,培育新的经济增长极,优化营商环境,进一步加大对沿边地区发展的支持力度。 It is more reasonable to define the border areas as the basic unit by taking the prefecture-level administrative region,namely the border prefecture city alliance.Plateaus and mountainous areas characterize the border areas in China,which have a relatively low level of economic and social development and a late opening up.They are a typical underdeveloped area.They are also a concentrated distribution area of minorities in China.At present,the development of the border areas in China is faced with the serious situation of brain drain,the bad condition of infrastructure and business environment,and the contradiction between economic development and ecological protection.At the same time,there are both opportunities and challenges for speeding up the development and opening up of the border areas in China.To speed up the development and opening up of our border areas under the new circumstances,we should plan and build the border-economic-belt,taking the prefecture-level administrative regions of the People's Republic of China as the basic unit and relying on the central cities along the border.We should fully integrate it into the construction of the new development pattern,cultivate new economic growth poles,optimize the business environment,and further strengthen the support for the development of the border areas.
作者 肖金成 马燕坤 XIAO Jincheng;MA Yankun(China Society of Territorial Economists,Beijing 101100,China;Institute of Economic System and Management,Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research,Beijing 100035,China)
出处 《经济与管理》 北大核心 2024年第4期19-26,共8页 Economy and Management
基金 国家发展和改革委员会经济体制与管理研究所基本科研业务费资助项目“‘十五五’时期区域协调发展的战略思路研究”的阶段性成果。
关键词 沿边地区 开发开放 区域合作 border areas development and opening up regional cooperation
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