

Research Progress on Pharmacological Effects and Mechanism of Acteoside on Central Nervous System Diseases
摘要 毛蕊花糖苷广泛分布于兔耳草、地黄、车前子等多种植物中。其对中枢神经系统的作用尤其显著,特别在治疗神经退行性疾病有优良的药用价值,其机制主要通过抑制胱天蛋白酶3(Caspase-3)来减少神经元凋亡、促进神经干细胞增殖、减少自由基堆积、抑制氧化应激和炎症反应来保护神经细胞起到缓解帕金森病症状的作用;通过阻止β-淀粉样蛋白(Amyloid β-protein, Aβ)沉积、抑制凋亡和增强胆碱能活动来改善阿尔茨海默病认知功能障碍;通过减少脊髓神经元细胞损伤来治疗多发性硬化;此外,毛蕊花糖苷还通过增加脑内单胺类神经递质(Monoamine oxidase, MAO)含量起到抗抑郁作用;通过抗炎、减轻氧化应激、抑制神经元凋亡来减少神经元损伤来减轻脑缺血再灌注的损伤;通过减轻氧化应激来起到抗惊厥的作用;还能通过增加脑内神经营养因子(Neurotrophin, NT)、海马突触结合蛋白-1(Synaptotagmin-1, Syt1)和原肌球蛋白受体激酶A(Tropomycin receptor kinase A, TrkA)的表达,增加突触可塑性起到改善记忆的作用。通过查阅近年来相关文献,对毛蕊花糖苷在中枢神经系统方面的作用进行综述,希望能为毛蕊花糖苷的进一步开发研究提供理论依据。 Acteoside is widely distributed in a variety of plants such as Tu’ercao(Lagotis glauca),Dihuang(Rehmannia glutinosa)and Cheqianzi(Plantago asiatica).Its effect on the central nervous system is particularly significant,and it has excellent medicinal value in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases(Parkinson's disease,Alzheimer's disease,multiple sclerosis).Its mechanism mainly alleviates the symptoms of Parkinson's disease by inhibiting apoptosis,promoting cell proliferation and alleviating oxidative stress to protect nerve cells.The therapeutic effect on Alzheimer's disease improves cognitive dysfunction by preventing amyloidβ-protein deposition,inhibiting apoptosis and enhancing cholinergic activity.Multiple sclerosis is treated by inhibiting apoptosis and reducing the damage of spinal cord neurons.In addition,acteoside also plays an antidepressant role by increasing the contents of monoamine neurotransmitters in the brain and reduces the damage of neurons by anti-inflammation,anti-oxidation and inhibition of apoptosis to reduce the injury of cerebral ischemia reperfusion.It plays an anticonvulsant role by alleviating oxidative stress.It can also play a role in improving memory by increasing the expressions of neurotrophic factor,synaptotagmin-1 and tropomyosin receptor kinase A in the brain and increasing synaptic plasticity.In this paper,it reviewed the role of acteoside in the central nervous system by reviewing the relevant literature in recent years,hoping to provide a theoretical basis for the further development of acteoside.
作者 谢良骐 柴智 弓强 王新亮 茹意 肖保国 马存根 樊慧杰 XIE Liangqi;CHAI Zhi;GONG Qiang;WANG Xinliang;RU Yi;XIAO Baoguo;MA Cungen;FAN Huijie(Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Key Laboratory of Multiple Sclerosis and Nourishing Qi and Activating Blood of Neurobiology Research Center of National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinzhong 030619,Shanxi,China;Institute of Neurology,Huashan Hospital,Fudan University,Shanghai 200025,China;Institute of Brain Science,Shanxi Datong University,Datong 037009,Shanxi,China)
出处 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第7期179-182,共4页 Chinese Archives of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81703978,81102552) 山西省自然科学基金项目(20210302124293) 山西省重点国别科技合作项目(202204041101002) 山西省青年拔尖人才支持计划项目(晋组办字[2019]35号文) 山西省省筹资金资助回国留学人员科研项目(2021-142) 山西省卫生健康委员会医学科技领军团队项目(2020TD05) 山西省“四个一批”科技兴医创新计划医学科技领军人才项目(2020RC05) 山西省高等学校科技创新计划项目(2019L0724) 山西中医药大学科技创新能力培育计划项目(2020PY-JC-03,2021PY-QN-03,2022TD1013) 山西中医药大学学科建设项目(研学科函[2021]4号)。
关键词 毛蕊花糖苷 中枢神经系统 药理作用 acteoside central nervous system pharmacological effects
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