

The Logic Evolution and Deepening Direction of China's Economic System Reform
摘要 改革开放以来,以资源配置市场化为主线,中国经济体制改革经历了五个阶段,形成特色鲜明的改革路径,取得举世瞩目的改革成就。聚焦“为何改、为谁改、谁来改、改什么、怎样改”等核心问题,在破解社会主要矛盾、坚持“以人民为中心”的价值取向、加强对改革的组织领导、优化所有制结构、深化市场化改革等领域呈现清晰的理论逻辑。在所有制“公有+非公”共存共荣、经济运行“政府+市场”互补互促、宏观管理“长短”“供求”协同联动、分配方式“按劳+按要素”并存并举、改革方式“试点+系统”协同推进等方面,形成核心理念与标识性概念,拓展了经济体制改革理论内涵,形成中国自主的经济体制改革知识体系基础。深化经济体制改革要锚定“构建高水平社会主义市场经济体制”目标,围绕“市场在资源配置中起决定性作用”和“更好发挥政府作用”这一核心,从技术进步、禀赋改善、制度效能三大维度纵深推进,加快构建符合中国式现代化发展要求的制度体系。 Since reform and opening-up,with marketization as the main theme,China's economic system reform has gone through five stages,forming a distinctive reform path,which achievements have attracted worldwide attention.Focusing on core issues such as"why to reform,for whom to reform,who to reform,what to reform,and how to reform",a clear theoretical logic was presented in areas such as solving the main contradictions in society,adhering to the value orientation of people-centered,strengthening the organization and leadership of reform,optimizing ownership structure,and deepening marketization reform.In terms of the coexistence and prosperity of"public and non-public"ownership,the complementary promotion of"government and market"economic operation,the coordinated linkage of"long and short"and"supply and demand"in macro management,the diversified distribution methods of"according to labor and factors",and the coordinated promotion of"pilot+system"reform methods,symbolic concepts and core concepts have been formed,expanding the theory of economic system reform,formed the foundation of China's independent economic system reform knowledge system.The economic system reform path should anchor the goal of"building a high-level socialist market economy",and build a new relationship between the government and the market,around the main line of achieving"the decisive role of the market in resource allocation"'and"the better role of the government",advance in depth from the three dimensions of"technological progress-endowment improvement-institutional effectiveness",and accelerate the construction of an institutional system that meets the development requirements of Chinese path to modernization.
作者 王廷惠 陈世栋 WANG Ting-hui;CHEN Shi-dong
出处 《改革》 北大核心 2024年第6期40-57,共18页 Reform
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划2023年度重大项目“激活改革、开放、创新‘三大动力’研究”(GD23ZD02)。
关键词 经济体制改革 市场化 现代化 改革逻辑 economic system reform marketization modernization reform logic
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