

Selection of silage maize varieties in Tongliao,Inner Mongolia
摘要 [目的]为筛选出适合通辽地区推广种植的优质高产青贮玉米品种。[方法]选取22个青贮玉米品种在试验田内采取随机区组试验设计,对不同品种生育期、抗逆性(倒伏倒折率、瘤黑粉病、大斑病)、生物产量(鲜草产量、干草产量、籽粒产量)、农艺性状(株高、茎粗,绿叶数、枯叶数、有效穗数)和营养品质(淀粉、粗蛋白、中性洗涤纤维、酸性洗涤纤维)等进行综合比较分析。[结果]不同品种生育期不同,为98~122 d。抗倒伏倒折最强的是蒙青贮17272,倒伏倒折率为0.14%,瘤黑粉病发生率最低的是先玉1611和京科968,病害率为0。干物质产量最高的是先玉1710,为1 487.44 kg/667m2。先玉1620、先玉1611、金岭青贮377、先玉1710干物质含量都达到了30%以上,其淀粉含量也较高,均达到了35%以上,但中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维含量均较低。不同品种粗蛋白含量差距不大,北农青贮368含量最高,为10.03%。[结论]先玉系列(1710、1620、1611)、金岭青贮系列(377、97)、蒙青贮(17272、266)、京九青贮16和京科968符合通辽地区在青贮玉米种植上的产量、品质和适应性的需求,适合在本区域大面积推广种植。 [Objectives]Silage maize varieties with high-quality and high-yield and suitable for promotion and cultivation in the Tongliao region,Inner Mongolia,were selected.[Methods]22 silage maize varieties were selected to conduct the experiment with a randomized block design in the field of the Tongliao Institute of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Inner Mongolia.A comprehensive and comparative analysis was conducted on the growth period,the stress resistance including lodging rate,nodule smut,and leaf spot disease,the biological yield including fresh grass yield,dry grass yield,and kernel yield,the agronomic traits including plant height,stem diameter,number of green leaves,number of withered leaves,and number of effective panicles ears,and the nutritional quality including starch,crude protein,neutral detergent fiber,and acidic detergent fiber of different silage maize varieties.[Results]Different varieties had different growth periods,ranging from 98 days to 122 days.The strongest resistance to lodging inversion was in Mengqingsilage 17272,with a lodging inversion rate of 0.14%.The lowest incidence of nodule smut was in Xianyu 1611 and Jingke 968,with a disease rate of 0.The highest dry matter yield was in Xianyu 1710,being 1487.44 kg/667 m2.The content of dry matter in Xianyu 1620,Xianyu 1611,Jinling Silage 377 and Xianyu 1710 all reached more than 30%,and the content of starch in them was higher as well,reaching more than 35%,but the content of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber in them was lower.There was not much difference in the content of crude protein among different varieties,with Beinong silage 368 having the highest content at 10.03%.[Conclusions]The Xianyu series including 1710,1620,1611,the Jinling silage series including 377,97,the Mongolian silage including 17272,266,Jingjiu silage 16,and Jingke 968 meet the requirements of yield,quality,and adaptability for silage maize planted in the Tongliao region,and are suitable for large-scale promotion and planting in this region.
作者 刘殿鹏 杨晓松 王海锋 褚景芬 斯日古楞 姜澜 吴明浩 包雨鑫 LIU Dianpeng;YANG Xiaosong;WANG Haifeng;CHU jingfen;SIRI Guleng;JIANG Lan;WU Minghao;BAO Yuxin(Tongliao Institute of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Inner Mongolia,Tongliao 028015,China)
出处 《养殖与饲料》 2024年第7期26-31,共6页 Animals Breeding and Feed
关键词 青贮玉米 品种 农艺性状 产量 营养品质 综合评价 silage maize varieties agronomic characters yield nutritional quality comprehensive evaluation
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