

Study on the Types and Application of the Criminal Responsibility of Sexual Assault on Minors
摘要 严格责任与过错推定责任是在不同法系的犯罪构成理论下发展出的不同形式,在理念和适用规则方面并无本质不同。在传统大陆法系理论背景下,过错推定责任是责任主义与证明责任再分配的结合,能够兼顾司法效率和司法公正,满足政策和社会需求。从这一视角出发,宜将《关于办理性侵害未成年人刑事案件的意见》第17条理解为对过错推定责任的规定,即控方无须对实施性侵者是否明知女方年龄承担举证责任。第17条第2款规定的“未满12周岁”这一年龄段的幼女,行为人不得以确实不知女方年龄作为辩护事由,可以就客观方面和其他主观因素提出辩护事由;第3款规定的“已满12周岁未满14周岁”这一年龄段的幼女,行为人可以就女方年龄事项提出“确实不知”的辩护事由,并承担提出和说服责任。在《刑法修正案(十一)》新增的负有照护职责人员性侵犯罪中,对被害未成年女性负有特殊职责的人员不得以年龄认识错误做为辩护事由。 Strict liability and presumptive liability for fault are different forms under the theory of crime constitution in different legal systems,and there is no essential difference in concept and applicable rules.Under the background of traditional civil law theory,presumed liability for fault is the combination of the principle of statutory guilt in substantive law and the transfer of burden of proof in procedural law,which can take into account judicial efficiency and judicial justice under the premise of accountability,and meet the needs of policies and society.From this perspective,it is appropriate to understand Article 17,paragraphs 2 and 3 of the Opinions on Punishing the Crime of Sexual Assault against Minors according to Law as presumptive liability for fault,that is,the prosecution does not have to bear the burden of proof on whether the perpetrator of sexual assault knows the age of the woman.In respect of a young girl under the age of 12 as provided for in paragraph 2,the perpetrator shall not use ignorance of the age of the woman as a defense,but may raise reasonable defenses based on objective aspects and other subjective factors;In the case of a young girl who has reached the age of 12 but is not 14 years old as provided for in paragraph 3,the perpetrator may raise a rebuttal of“true ignorance”regarding the woman’s age and bear the responsibility of persuasion.In Amendment(XI)to the Criminal Law,the new crime of sexual assault by persons with nursing duties,the person who has special responsibility for the victim of minor female must not be mistaken in age recognition as a defense.
作者 左倩玉 ZUO Qian-yu(School of Law,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng 252000,China)
机构地区 聊城大学法学院
出处 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第4期64-74,共11页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Social Science Edition
关键词 严格责任 过错推定责任 性侵害幼女 明知 举证责任 strict liability presumptive liability for fault sexual abuse of young girls be fully aware of burden of proof
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