

The 1999 Excavation at Yueliangwan of Sanxingdui Site, Guanghan City, Sichuan
摘要 1999年1月6日至5月28日、1999年11月12日至2000年5月20日,四川省文物考古研究所(现四川省文物考古研究院)三星堆遗址工作站对月亮湾城墙北段进行考古发掘,确认先秦时期城墙1段、城壕1条,发现先秦时期房基55座、沟槽51条、灰坑97个、土坑墓13座、柱洞42个,基本确认了城墙、城壕的结构、年代与性质,明确该城墙为斜坡堆筑,建造年代为三星堆遗址二期偏晚阶段。该地点文化堆积序列完整,为了解三星堆遗址文化序列与年代分期提供了丰富详实的资料。 The Sanxingdui Site Workstation of Sichuan Province Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology conducted two rounds of archaeological excavations on the northern section of Yueliangwan city wall, first between January 6 and May 28, 1999, and then between November 12, 1999 and May 20, 2000, discovering pre-Qin period remains including a stretch of city wall, a moat, 55 house foundations, 51 ash ditches, 97 ash pits, 13 earth-pit tombs, 42 pillar holes, through which the structure, age and nature of the Yueliangwan city wall and moat have been basically confirmed. The Yueliangwan city wall was built in the late stage of the second phase of Sanxingdui site, and abandoned around the fourth phase of the Sanxingdui site. The city wall was stacked up from outside to inside from 8 ramps. It is the first confirmed inner wall of the Sanxingdui site, indicating that the ancient city of Sanxingdui had multiple concentric circles. It forms the Yueliangwan small town together with the Zhenwugong city wall, Qingguanshan city wall, west city wall and its corner. The cultural layer sequence of this site is complete, providing rich and detailed information for the understanding of the cultural sequence and chronological staging of Sanxingdui site.
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2024年第3期4-34,共31页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“古蜀地区文明化华夏化进程研究”(批准号:21&ZD223) 四川省哲学社会科学规划项目“三星堆遗址考古多学科研究”专项“三星堆、金沙遗址空间布局关联性研究”(批准号:SC24SX009) 国家文物局“考古中国”重大项目“川渝地区巴蜀文明进程研究”。
关键词 三星堆遗址 月亮湾城墙 月亮湾城壕 Sanxingdui site Yueliangwan city wall Yueliangwan moat
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