

The 2000 Excavation of Ash Pits at Yueliangwan of Sanxingdui Site, Guanghan City, Sichuan
摘要 2000年至2001年三星堆遗址月亮湾地点考古发掘共发现先秦时期灰坑152座,广泛分布于发掘区各个探方,开口层位、大小、深浅、形制不一,叠压打破关系复杂,出土遗物数量丰富、器类多样,为完善三星堆遗址分期与年代体系提供了重要资料。大部分灰坑属生活垃圾坑,其中8座灰坑出土陶器较多,可分为三期5段,年代从二里头二期延续至殷墟三期,性质应当与高等级人群的生产、生活相关。个别灰坑出土玉有领璧、玉琮等较高等级遗物,可能与祭祀活动存在密切关联。 From 2000 to 2001, Sichuan Province Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology carried out excavations on the Yueliangwan platform of Sanxingdui site with an excavation area of 367 square meters, and found a total of 273 relics of the pre-Qin period, including 152 ash pits. These ash pits all date back to the Sanxingdui culture, distributed in the excavation area of each exploration unit, providing important materials for the staging research and establishment of chronological system of the Sanxingdui site. Varying in opening layers, sizes, depths and shapes, the ash pits share complex overlapping and cutting-into relations, with abundant unearthed relics consisting a majority of diversified types of pottery. Among the ash pits, 8 of them which yielded relatively more pottery date from the second phase of Erlitou culture to the third phase of Yinxu culture, with a total of 3 phases and 5 stages, basically covering the development stages of the Sanxingdui culture. The ash pits are presumably related to the people who had higher social class in the prosperous period of the Sanxingdui city, their household waste formed the majority of the pits. Meanwhile, the ash pits indicate that the site had been in use for a long time, when the people here were busy with production and life. A small number of ash pits have yielded high-grade relics such as jade collared Bi璧 and jade Cong琮, the buried items and age of which are consistent with H105 in the "big ditch" on Qingguanshan platform, there is a possible close connection between them and the sacrificial activities.
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2024年第3期35-65,共31页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“古蜀地区文明化华夏化进程研究”(项目编号:21&ZD223) 中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划院外项目“三星堆遗址考古发掘整理与研究” 国家文物局“考古中国”重大项目“川渝地区巴蜀文明进程研究”。
关键词 三星堆遗址 月亮湾地点 灰坑 生活垃圾坑 祭祀活动 Sanxingdui site Yueliangwan platform Ash pits Household garbage pits Sacrificialactivities
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