
经典名方中仙茅的本草考证 被引量:1

Herbal Textual Research on Curculiginis Rhizoma in Famous Classical Formulas
摘要 通过查阅历代本草、医籍、方书及近现代文献资料,笔者对仙茅药材的名称、基原、产地、品质评价、采收加工、炮制、性味归经与功效主治、毒性、禁忌等方面进行了系统梳理与本草考证,以期为含有仙茅药材经典名方的开发利用提供依据。考证结果表明,仙茅始载于《雷公炮炙论》,历代均以仙茅为正名,命名多源于其功效与形态特征;历代主流来源为仙茅Curculigo orchioides和大叶仙茅C.capitulata的根茎,近代以来则以仙茅C.orchioides为主要商品来源;古代著录的产地多为西域及我国西南地区,近代以来则推崇四川、贵州等地所产,奉为道地;近代以来总结其品质以根条粗壮、质坚、表面黑褐色者为佳;历代记载的采收加工方法主要为农历二、八、九月采后晒干,现代多于秋、冬二季采收;古代炮制方法众多,主要以米泔水制居多,现代炮制方法则以酒炙为主;性味归经与功能主治古今基本一致;其服用禁忌为忌铁,禁牛乳、牛肉;历代对仙茅毒性的认识虽有部分差异,但大部分本草明确仙茅具有一定毒性。基于考证结论,建议经典名方中采用石蒜科仙茅C.orchioides的根茎为其来源,按经典名方中药物炮制要求选取相应的炮制方法,未明确炮制要求的则建议选取生品入药。 By consulting the ancient and modern literature,the name,origin,quality evaluation,harvesting and processing methods of Curculiginis Rhizoma(CR)were systematically combed and verified,in order to provide a basis for the development and utilization of famous classical formulas containing CR.The results of herbal textual research showed that the name Xianmao was first recorded in Leigong Paozhilun,the name of CR was used in all dynasties and this name came from its efficacy and morphological characteristics,the mainstream source for CR of the past dynasties was the rhizome of Curculigo orchioides or C.capitulata,since modern times,C.orchioides has been the main source of commodities.In ancient times,most of the places of origin of the description were the western regions and southwest China,while in modern times,Sichuan and Guizhou were regarded as genuine places.Since modern times,its quality has been summarized as the best with thick roots,firm texture and black-brown surface,the harvesting and processing methods recorded in the past dynasties are mainly sun drying after harvest in the second,eighth and ninth months of the lunar calendar,and most of them are harvested in autumn and winter in modern times.In ancient times,there were many processing methods of CR,mainly in processing with rice swill,while in modern times,stir-frying with wine was the main processing method.The nature,taste,meridian tropism,functions and indications of CR are basically consistent from ancient to modern times,the taboos for taking are to avoid iron,cow's milk,and beef.Although there are some differences in the understanding of the toxicity of CR in the past dynasties,most of the materia medica are clear that it has a certain toxicity.Based on the research conclusion,it is suggested that the rhizome of C.orchioides of Lycoris family should be used as its source in the famous classical formulas,and the corresponding processing method should be selected according to the processing requirements in the formulas,while the raw products is recommended to be selected as medicine if the processing requirement is not specified.
作者 罗进芳 黄瑶瑶 周涛 喻杨 曹国琼 赵丹 肖承鸿 詹志来 LUO Jinfang;HUANG Yaoyao;ZHOU Tao;YU Yang;CAO Guoqiong;ZHAO Dan;XIAO Chenhong;ZHAN Zhilai(Guizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Guiyang 550025,China;National Resource Center of Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第14期199-208,共10页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302) 贵州省高等学校分子生药学重点实验室项目(黔教技[2022]021号) 贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长项目(黔教合KY字[2021]194) 中国中医科学院科技创新工程项目(CI2021A03702)。
关键词 经典名方 仙茅 本草考证 学名 基原 产地 炮制 famous classical formulas Curculiginis Rhizoma herbal textual research scientific name origin producing area processing
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