

Tracing and Decomposing Carbon Footprint of FDI in Shanghai along National Value Chains:A Study Based on China's Inter-provincial Input-output Database Distinguishing Firm Heterogeneity
摘要 基于区分内资企业和外资企业异质性的中国省际投入产出模型最新研究成果,本文追溯1997-2017年间代表年份国内价值链中外资企业的碳足迹,全面评价各省外资活动为满足最终生产的生命周期碳排放水平。全国层面,外资碳足迹占碳排放总量比重呈现上升再下降的态势,峰值出现在2007年。上海FDI价值链碳排放呈现如下特征:占全国比重不断下降,但长三角三省一市整体比重有所提升;随着上海转向以服务业为主的经济结构,外资碳足迹也呈现出从化工、冶金等高碳产业向机械电气、高端装备等先进制造业,以及商务、信息等现代服务业转移的趋势;碳足迹的主要来源地从能源富集省份和重化工省份,向长三角地区、中东部产业及物流发达省份转移。研究结果凸显出建立碳足迹数据、增强服务业低碳治理的迫切性,以及在界定地区碳排放责任时,应充分考虑国内价值链分工,重视外资企业跨省域产业链布局对碳排放的影响。 Based on the latest research on the interprovincial input-output database distinguishing firm ownership in China,this article traces the carbon footprints of foreign invested enterprises in the domestic value chain in the representative years from 1997 to 2017,and evaluates objectively the level of life-cycle carbon emissions of FDI activities in each province to satisfy the final production.At the national level,the percentage of FDI related carbon footprint of total emissions shows an upward and then downward trend,with the peak occurring in 2007.The domestic value chain carbon embodied emissions of FDI activities in Shanghai show the following characteristics:1)The carbon footprints of foreign-invested firms operating in Shanghai account for a decreasing proportion in the national aggregate,but the overall proportion of the Yangtze River Delta area has increased.2)In the process of Shanghai's service sector gradually taking the absolute lead role in GDP,the carbon footprints of foreign investment also show a shift from high-carbon industries such as chemicals and metallurgy,to advanced manufacturing industries such as mechanical and electrical equipment and high-end equipment,and then to modern service sectors like business and information services.3)The main carbon footprint source of Shanghai's foreign investment has shifted from provinces focusing on energy intensive and heavy or chemical provinces to the Yangtze River Delta area as well as the central and eastern provinces with developed industries and logistics.The above results highlights the urgency of establishing a carbon footprint database and enhancing the low-carbon governance of the servicesector.It is also suggested that when defining regional carbon emission responsibilities of promoting the dual-carbon goals,the division of labor in the domestic value chain should be fully considered,and the impact of the cross-provincial supply chain of foreign-invested enterprises should be emphasized.
作者 张晓娣 范磊 ZHANG Xiao-di;FAN Lei(Institute of Economics,Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences 200020)
出处 《上海经济研究》 北大核心 2024年第6期99-113,共15页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“全球价值链视域下跨国公司FDI碳足迹追踪及相关减排责任的国际分配机制研究”(72374142) 上海市哲学社会科学规划一般课题“全球价值链嵌入视域下长三角如何实现碳达峰目标的省际最优分配研究”(2022BGL012)阶段性成果之一。
关键词 FDI 碳足迹 国内价值链 区分所有制的省际投入产出表 FDI Carbon Footprint National Value Chain Regional Input-output Table with Differentiated Ownerships
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