

The Potential and Conditions of Technology for Education in an Evidence-based Educational Perspective:An Analysis based on the Global Education Monitoring Report 2023
摘要 随着生成式人工智能为代表的新一轮数字技术的出现,技术能否变革教育以及如何才能变革教育再次成为教育改革与发展的共同议题。系统探讨数字技术应对教育挑战的无限潜力与实现条件,对我国教育数字化转型建设具有积极意义。首先,采用文本分析法和内容分析法对联合国教科文组织发布的《2023年全球教育监测报告》,从技术应对教育公平、质量、效率三大挑战的潜力进行深入分析发现:促进公平方面,技术增加了接受教育的机会,促进了内容创编与共享;改善质量方面,技术对教学过程进行辅助干预,优化内容呈现和增强互动;提升效率方面,技术提高了学习评估和监管治理效率。其次,结合报告分析实现以上潜力所需条件:公平获取和持续使用方面,包括制定相关政策改善公平获取技术的机会,加强技术的有效性、持续性证据的收集等条件;有效监管和隐私保护方面,包括制定教育中应用技术的监管政策、完善技术应用中的隐私保护和安全的法律等条件;技术融于教育实践方面,包括制定数字素养标准以发展教师数字能力、利用技术优势开展基于技术的教师培训等条件。最后,以循证教育理念为指导,从公平观、质量观、效率观三个维度提出技术之于教育行动的启示:坚持循证教育优化设施建设和资源的配置,完善教育技术的监管机制以营造良性生境,提高教师数字素养并推动业务再造释放效能。 With the emergence of a new round of digital technology represented by generative artificial intelligence,whether and how technology can transform education has once again become a common topic of educational reform and development.Systematically exploring the unlimited potential and realization conditions of digital technology to meet the challenges of education is of great practical significance to the digital construction of education in China.First,textual and content analysis methods are used to analyze the potential of technology to address three major challenges of educational equity,quality and efficiency in the Global Education Monitoring Report 2023 released by UNESCO.To promote equity,technology increases access to education and facilitates content creation and sharing;to improve quality,technology aids intervention in the teaching and learning process,optimizes content presentation and enhances interaction;and to enhance efficiency,technology improves the efficiency of learning assessment and regulatory governance.Second,the report analyzes the conditions needed to realize the above potential:in terms of equitable access and sustainable use,including the development of relevant policies to improve equitable access to technology and the collection of evidence of its effectiveness and sustainability;in terms of effective regulation and privacy protection,including the development of regulatory policies for the use of technology in education and the improvement of laws on privacy protection and security in the use of technology;and in terms of the integration of technology into educational practice,including the development of digital literacy standards to develop teachers’digital competencies and the development of technology-based teacher training that takes advantage of the benefits of technology.In terms of effective regulation and privacy protection,this includes conditions for developing digital literacy standards to develop teachers’digital competencies and utilizing the advantages of technology to conduct technology-based teacher training.Finally,guided by the concept of evidence-based education,the implications of technology for education from the perspectives of equity,quality,and efficiency are proposed:optimizing the construction of facilities and the allocation of resources by adhering to evidence-based education,improving the regulatory mechanism of educational technology to create a healthy habitat,and improving the digital literacy of teachers and promoting business reengineering to release the effectiveness.
作者 刘思来 魏永芳 Silai LIU;Yongfang WEI(School of Education,Minzu University of China,Beijing 100081;College of Educational Sciences,Zhaotong College,Zhaotong 657000,Yunnan;Institute of Educational Sciences,Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150006,Heilongjiang)
出处 《中国教育信息化》 2024年第6期39-53,共15页 Chinese Journal of ICT in Education
基金 2022年云南省哲学社会科学规划教育学项目“云南省乡村中小学‘双减’政策落实过程监测调查与研究”(编号:AD22005)。
关键词 全球教育监测报告 数字技术 循证教育 数字素养 生成式人工智能 数字化转型 Global Education Monitoring Report Digital technology Evidence-based education Digital literacy Generative artificial intelligence Digital transformation
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