

Interpretation of the Pituitary Society International Consensus of Diagnosis and Management of Prolactin-Secreting Pituitary Adenomas
摘要 国际垂体学会2023年发布的垂体催乳素腺瘤的诊治推荐国际共识声明, 是继2006年、2011年内分泌学会指南的又一次更新, 发表于Nature Reviews Endocrinology。本版共识基于近年来的最新研究证据, 对多巴胺受体激动剂疗效、长期不良反应和停药方案, 手术、术前药物治疗和放射治疗的适应证, 特殊时期和状态下垂体催乳素腺瘤的治疗等方面作了全面的阐述。本文对共识核心推荐点逐一解读, 着重从催乳素瘤的诊断、治疗、特殊人群及罕见情况四大方面展开, 以期帮助临床医生更全面地理解该共识, 为临床诊疗提供帮助。 The Pituitary Society released the 2023 International Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Prolactin-Secreting Adenomas,marking another update following the guidelines from the Endocrine Society in 2006 and 2011.Published in Nature Reviews Endocrinology,this consensus is based on the latest research evidence in recent years,covering topics such as the efficacy,long-term adverse effects,and withdrawal protocols of dopamine receptor agonists,as well as indications for surgery,preoperative medical therapy,and radiation therapy.It comprehensively discusses the treatment of prolactin-secreting adenomas in special periods and conditions.This article provides a detailed interpretation of the core recommended points in the consensus,focusing on four major aspects:diagnosis,treatment,special populations,and rare conditions of prolactinoma,aiming to help clinicians gain a comprehensive understanding of the consensus and provide assistance in clinical management.
作者 季立津 鹿斌 叶红英 李益明 Ji Lijin;Lu Bin;Ye Hongying;Li Yiming(Department of Endocrinology,Huashan Hospital,Fudan University,Shanghai 200040,China)
出处 《中华内分泌代谢杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期365-372,共8页 Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
基金 国家自然科学基金(81800692)。
关键词 高催乳素血症 垂体催乳素腺瘤 多巴胺受体激动剂 手术 Hyperprolactinemia Prolactin-secreting adenoma Dopamine agonist Surgery
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